Level 50, Beastlord
DKP Information
Point account name | Earned | Spent | Adjustment | Current | Raids (30 days) | Raids (60 days) | Raids (90 days) | Raids (lifetime) |
Default | 12665.00 | 8697.00 | 1035.00 | 5003.00 | 0% (0/0) | 0% (0/0) | 0% (0/0) | 62% (1682/2714) |
... 1 entries found |
Raid Attendance History
Date | Name | Note | Value |
04.06.23 | [TDS] | MESSICOOOO LETS GOOO | 25.00 |
04.06.23 | [TDS] | T2 Extra Boi | 25.00 |
04.06.23 | [TDS] | T1 Extra Boi | 25.00 |
04.06.23 | [TDS] | Sexytime | 25.00 |
04.06.23 | [TDS] | PoW | 25.00 |
04.06.23 | [TDS] | T3 Calix Quirinus | 25.00 |
04.04.23 | [TDS] | Lorem Ipsum Dolor | 25.00 |
04.04.23 | [TDS] | Sexytime | 25.00 |
04.04.23 | [TDS] | T2 The Lurker Below | 25.00 |
04.04.23 | [TDS] | T2 Ooze chase scene | 25.00 |
04.04.23 | [TDS] | T2 Golems n Books | 25.00 |
04.04.23 | [TDS] | T1 D Fence D Fence | 25.00 |
03.30.23 | [TDS] | Sexytime | 25.00 |
03.30.23 | [TDS] | Sleepytime for Orsus | 25.00 |
03.30.23 | [TDS] | Byun also sleepy boi | 25.00 |
03.30.23 | [TDS] | Kyle, because beating up a Kyle is always the right course of action | 25.00 |
03.30.23 | [TDS] | T2 Extra Boi | 25.00 |
03.30.23 | [TDS] | T1 Extra Boi | 25.00 |
03.28.23 | [TDS] | Goot jorb, we get a 2 minute break | 25.00 |
03.28.23 | [TDS] | T3 Calix Quirinus | 25.00 |
03.28.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Indagatrix Lucia | 25.00 |
03.28.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Vicarum Nomia | 25.00 |
03.28.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Quastori Numicia | 25.00 |
03.28.23 | [TDS] | T1 Defence of the City | 25.00 |
03.23.23 | [TDS] | Sexytime | 25.00 |
03.23.23 | [TDS] | Kyle, because he deserves it | 25.00 |
03.23.23 | [TDS] | Luring Zevron and Roamer back | 25.00 |
03.23.23 | [TDS] | Entering DKP | 25.00 |
03.23.23 | [TDS] | zzzzzz | 25.00 |
03.23.23 | [TDS] | PoWar | 25.00 |
03.21.23 | [TDS] | Hurry up and wait | 25.00 |
03.21.23 | [TDS] | Now what | 25.00 |
03.21.23 | [TDS] | Well that was something | 25.00 |
03.21.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Indagatrix Lucia | 25.00 |
03.21.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Indagatrix Lucia | 25.00 |
03.21.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Indagatrix Lucia | 25.00 |
03.19.23 | [TDS] | Job well done! | 25.00 |
03.19.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Vicarum Omnomnom | 25.00 |
03.19.23 | [TDS] | T2 Extra Boi | 25.00 |
03.19.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Quasimodo | 25.00 |
03.19.23 | [TDS] | T1 Extra Boi | 25.00 |
03.19.23 | [TDS] | T1 D Fence | 25.00 |
03.14.23 | [TDS] | Double Sexytime | 25.00 |
03.14.23 | [TDS] | Sexytime | 25.00 |
03.14.23 | [TDS] | Kyle for the Pointz | 25.00 |
03.14.23 | [TDS] | PoW ezmode | 25.00 |
03.12.23 | [TDS] | Sexytime | 25.00 |
03.12.23 | [TDS] | Have fun storming the castle! | 25.00 |
03.12.23 | [TDS] | T1 Extra Boi | 25.00 |
03.12.23 | [TDS] | T1 Defence of the City | 25.00 |
03.09.23 | [TDS] | Prog + Levelling | 25.00 |
03.09.23 | [TDS] | Prog + Levelling | 25.00 |
03.09.23 | [TDS] | Prog + Levelling | 25.00 |
03.09.23 | [TDS] | Prog + Levelling | 25.00 |
02.16.23 | [COTF] | T1 Two balls in the back | 20.00 |
02.16.23 | [COTF] | T1 Learning Shatmo's measurements | 20.00 |
02.16.23 | [COTF] | T2 Void on the achievement window | 20.00 |
02.16.23 | [COTF] | WAR! What is it good for? Absolutely ONE SHOT | 20.00 |
02.07.23 | [COTF] | Extra DKP for checking out Kpop's OnlyFans | 20.00 |
02.07.23 | [COTF] | T1 Let's go for 9 waves next time | 20.00 |
02.07.23 | [COTF] | T1 BEES MAN | 20.00 |
02.07.23 | [COTF] | T1 Bang the Drum Slowly | 20.00 |
02.07.23 | [COTF] | T2 Fuckin Kyle | 20.00 |
02.07.23 | [COTF] | PoW Zek bros | 20.00 |
01.31.23 | [COTF] | T1 DH | 20.00 |
01.31.23 | [COTF] | T1 WK stuff | 20.00 |
01.31.23 | [COTF] | T1 WK things | 20.00 |
01.31.23 | [COTF] | T2 Zebbucks or Rucks | 20.00 |
01.31.23 | [COTF] | T2 Sunwell | 20.00 |
01.31.23 | [COTF] | T2 Dammit Kyle | 20.00 |
01.26.23 | [COTF] | Sexytime | 20.00 |
01.26.23 | [COTF] | Extra DKP for shamans winning the game | 20.00 |
01.26.23 | [COTF] | Extra DKP for giving Orsus a hard time | 20.00 |
01.26.23 | [COTF] | T1 Clear | 20.00 |
01.26.23 | [COTF] | T1 Clear | 20.00 |
01.26.23 | [COTF] | T1 Clear | 20.00 |
01.24.23 | [COTF] | T1 Stuff | 20.00 |
01.24.23 | [COTF] | T1 Stuff | 20.00 |
01.24.23 | [COTF] | PoW Zek Bros | 20.00 |
01.24.23 | [COTF] | PoW Zek Bros | 20.00 |
01.24.23 | [COTF] | PoW Zek Bros | 20.00 |
01.24.23 | [COTF] | PoW Zek Bros | 20.00 |
01.22.23 | [COTF] | T1 Cleanup | 20.00 |
01.22.23 | [COTF] | T2 Journey Home (by getting blown off the island lulz) | 20.00 |
01.22.23 | [COTF] | T2 Sunwell aka Burn Out | 20.00 |
01.22.23 | [COTF] | T2 Fuckin Kyle | 20.00 |
01.19.23 | [COTF] | Post TZ/VZ Dick Slapping | 20.00 |
01.19.23 | [COTF] | PoW TZ/VZ Kill gg | 20.00 |
01.19.23 | [COTF] | PoW TZ/VZ Prog | 20.00 |
01.19.23 | [COTF] | PoW TZ/VZ Prog | 20.00 |
01.15.23 | [COTF] | TZ/VZ Attempts | 20.00 |
01.15.23 | [COTF] | Neriak - Hate Rising | 20.00 |
01.15.23 | [COTF] | are there any sea raids? | 20.00 |
01.15.23 | [COTF] | BEE RAIDS? | 20.00 |
01.12.23 | [COTF] | wait we can do more raids? | 20.00 |
01.12.23 | [COTF] | this guy hits hard we might need glyphs | 20.00 |
01.12.23 | [COTF] | lfm no sleep till aa cap ha's pst | 20.00 |
01.12.23 | [COTF] | cotf stands for call of the fuck you ROF you were so boring. | 20.00 |
01.03.23 | [RoF] | Trying to make more of Orsus' dreams come true | 20.00 |
01.03.23 | [RoF] | T2 Dragon the other one | 20.00 |
... 100 entries found / 1682 are shown |
Item Purchase History
Date | Buyer | Name | Raid | Itempool | Value |
04.06.23 | Ghadius | Lesser Essence of the Citadel | [TDS] | default | 60.00 |
04.06.23 | Ghadius | Greater Essence of the Citadel | [TDS] | default | 80.00 |
04.06.23 | Ghadius | Greater Essence of the Citadel | [TDS] | default | 60.00 |
04.04.23 | Ghadius | Vifensa | [TDS] | default | 100.00 |
04.04.23 | Ghadius | Median Essence of the Citadel | [TDS] | default | 40.00 |
04.04.23 | Ghadius | Minor Essence of the Citadel | [TDS] | default | 40.00 |
03.28.23 | Ghadius | Lamna Felicis | [TDS] | default | 100.00 |
03.19.23 | Ghadius | Picus Inaurem | [TDS] | default | 20.00 |
02.07.23 | Ghadius | Gloves of Suppressed Ether | [COTF] | default | 40.00 |
01.26.23 | Ghadius | Cristanos' Kiss | [COTF] | default | 1.00 |
01.22.23 | Ghadius | Bracer of Suppressed Ether | [COTF] | default | 20.00 |
01.15.23 | Ghadius | Rosestem Whip | [COTF] | default | 1.00 |
01.15.23 | Ghadius | Armguards of Suppressed Ether | [COTF] | default | 20.00 |
01.12.23 | Ghadius | Bramblethorn Pauldrons | [COTF] | default | 20.00 |
01.03.23 | Ghadius | Putryl, Jagged Hoop of Heresy | [RoF] | default | 1.00 |
12.08.22 | Ghadius | Dread Washed Leggings | [RoF] | default | 40.00 |
11.29.22 | Ghadius | Eye of Fear | [RoF] | default | 200.00 |
11.29.22 | Ghadius | Key of Memory | [RoF] | default | 50.00 |
11.15.22 | Ghadius | Dread Washed Bracer | [RoF] | default | 50.00 |
11.13.22 | Ghadius | Dread Washed Gloves | [RoF] | default | 50.00 |
11.13.22 | Ghadius | Fyrlight, the Stone Bloom | [RoF] | default | 220.00 |
11.13.22 | Ghadius | Rosary of the Silent Song | [RoF] | default | 50.00 |
11.10.22 | Ghadius | Thicket Tinder Pauldrons | [RoF] | default | 50.00 |
11.10.22 | Ghadius | Dread Tunic | [RoF] | default | 60.00 |
11.10.22 | Ghadius | Dread Boots | [RoF] | default | 40.00 |
11.10.22 | Ghadius | Dread Bracer | [RoF] | default | 60.00 |
11.10.22 | Ghadius | Inlaid Band of Dominance | [RoF] | default | 100.00 |
11.10.22 | Ghadius | War-Torn Badge of Scale | [RoF] | default | 140.00 |
11.10.22 | Ghadius | Dread Leggings | [RoF] | default | 40.00 |
11.08.22 | Ghadius | Brell's Shadow | [RoF] | default | 20.00 |
11.08.22 | Ghadius | Dazzling Belt of Plundered Amethyst | [RoF] | default | 100.00 |
11.03.22 | Ghadius | Dread Gloves | [RoF] | default | 20.00 |
11.01.22 | Ghadius | Dread Washed Bracer | [RoF] | default | 120.00 |
10.27.22 | Ghadius | Dread Touched Gloves | [RoF] | default | 1.00 |
10.27.22 | Ghadius | Radvar's Rod of Disruption | [RoF] | default | 100.00 |
10.27.22 | Ghadius | Dragon Skin Bracelet | [RoF] | default | 1.00 |
10.25.22 | Ghadius | Dread Washed Armguards | [RoF] | default | 120.00 |
10.23.22 | Ghadius | Dread Helm | [RoF] | default | 20.00 |
10.18.22 | Ghadius | Ostentatious Armwraps of Ryken | [VoA] | default | 50.00 |
10.18.22 | Ghadius | Spikeshell, Wave of Solutions | [VoA] | default | 35.00 |
10.06.22 | Ghadius | Ostentatious Legwraps of Ryken | [VoA] | default | 100.00 |
10.06.22 | Ghadius | Stately Wristwraps of Ladrys | [VoA] | default | 100.00 |
10.04.22 | Ghadius | Kral'Sek, Nature's Brutality | [VoA] | default | 205.00 |
09.29.22 | Ghadius | Ostentatious Wristwraps of Ryken | [VoA] | default | 75.00 |
09.29.22 | Ghadius | Stately Stole of Ladrys | [VoA] | default | 55.00 |
09.29.22 | Ghadius | Stately Handwraps of Ladrys | [VoA] | default | 20.00 |
09.29.22 | Ghadius | Coraline Necklace | [VoA] | default | 5.00 |
09.29.22 | Ghadius | Thelara'Tel, Icon of the Eternally Faithful | [VoA] | default | 50.00 |
09.27.22 | Ghadius | Vine Covered Spike | [VoA] | default | 1.00 |
09.27.22 | Ghadius | Syrsrek, Spike of the Spitirward | [VoA] | default | 1.00 |
09.27.22 | Ghadius | Arc, Incisor | [VoA] | default | 1.00 |
09.06.22 | Ghadius | Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension | [VoA] | default | 5.00 |
09.06.22 | Ghadius | Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension | [VoA] | default | 5.00 |
09.01.22 | Ghadius | Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension | [VoA] | default | 5.00 |
08.30.22 | Ghadius | Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension | [VoA] | default | 10.00 |
08.30.22 | Ghadius | Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension | [VoA] | default | 10.00 |
08.25.22 | Ghadius | Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension | [VoA] | default | 10.00 |
08.23.22 | Ghadius | Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension | [VoA] | default | 10.00 |
01.04.22 | Ghadius | Tongue of Insanity | [SoD] | default | 40.00 |
12.28.21 | Ghadius | Ksathrax's Toxiferous Ring | [SoD] | default | 100.00 |
12.28.21 | Ghadius | Acolyte's Mind-Sight Eye | [SoD] | default | 20.00 |
12.19.21 | Ghadius | Infested Death Shroud | [SoD] | default | 70.00 |
12.09.21 | Ghadius | Gyro Core: Intensity | [SoF] | default | 25.00 |
11.23.21 | Ghadius | Prismaridescent Essence | [SoF] | default | 30.00 |
11.23.21 | Ghadius | Prismaridescent Essence | [SoF] | default | 30.00 |
11.23.21 | Ghadius | Prismaridescent Essence | [SoF] | default | 25.00 |
11.16.21 | Ghadius | Deep-Hewn Crystal Bulwark | [SoF] | default | 160.00 |
11.04.21 | Ghadius | Intricate Engineer's Locket | [SoF] | default | 10.00 |
11.04.21 | Ghadius | Gyro Core: Dedicant | [SoF] | default | 75.00 |
11.04.21 | Ghadius | Steamwork Engineer's Waistband | [SoF] | default | 10.00 |
11.02.21 | Ghadius | Prismaridescent Essence | [SoF] | default | 40.00 |
10.28.21 | Ghadius | Gyro Core: Consort | [SoF] | default | 35.00 |
10.26.21 | Ghadius | Bauble of Prismatic Flame | [SoF] | default | 25.00 |
10.19.21 | Ghadius | Prismaridescent Essence | [SoF] | default | 5.00 |
10.19.21 | Ghadius | Prismaridescent Essence | [SoF] | default | 25.00 |
10.14.21 | Ghadius | Crimson Drakesblood Earring | [SoF] | default | 50.00 |
10.10.21 | Ghadius | Prismaridescent Essence | [SoF] | default | 50.00 |
10.10.21 | Ghadius | Prismaridescent Essence | [SoF] | default | 50.00 |
10.10.21 | Ghadius | Prismaridescent Essence | [SoF] | default | 50.00 |
10.03.21 | Ghadius | Blastertron Mechano-Pylon Mk. I | [SoF] | default | 5.00 |
10.03.21 | Ghadius | Version XI Serial Translatron | [SoF] | default | 20.00 |
10.03.21 | Ghadius | Gyro Core: Intensity | [SoF] | default | 70.00 |
09.30.21 | Ghadius | Gyro Core: Dedicant | [SoF] | default | 40.00 |
09.28.21 | Ghadius | Ancient Velvet Robe | [SoF] | default | 10.00 |
09.28.21 | Ghadius | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud | [SoF] | default | 5.00 |
09.28.21 | Ghadius | Ancient Velvet Sleeves | [SoF] | default | 5.00 |
09.09.21 | Ghadius | Carved Blood Ice Choker | [TBS] | default | 5.00 |
08.24.21 | Ghadius | Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight | [TBS] | default | 40.00 |
08.19.21 | Ghadius | Obsidian Scale Cape | [TSS] | default | 20.00 |
08.12.21 | Ghadius | Wyrmband of the Devoted | [TSS] | default | 65.00 |
08.12.21 | Ghadius | Hoop of Elemental Mastery | [TSS] | default | 15.00 |
08.12.21 | Ghadius | Timeworn Chestguard Mold | [TSS] | default | 15.00 |
08.10.21 | Ghadius | Orb of Darkness | [TSS] | default | 10.00 |
08.05.21 | Ghadius | Timeworn Chestguard Mold | [TSS] | default | 10.00 |
08.05.21 | Ghadius | Dyn'leth's Elegant Belt | [TSS] | default | 1.00 |
08.01.21 | Ghadius | Pulsating Beacon of Fire | [TBS] | default | 10.00 |
07.08.21 | Ghadius | Clipped Griffon Wings | [TSS] | default | 10.00 |
07.06.21 | Ghadius | Thick Ice Studded Collar | [TSS] | default | 900.00 |
07.06.21 | Ghadius | Molded Agate Trinket | [TSS] | default | 5.00 |
06.08.21 | Ghadius | Shimmering Veil of Frozen Mana | [TSS] | default | 1.00 |
... 100 entries found / 213 are shown |
Individual Adjustment History
Date | Reason | Value |
03.14.23 | Level 105 by March 12th | 300.00 |
12.01.22 | Poppin that banner like momma taught ya | 100.00 |
11.03.22 | Level 100 by Nov 3rd | 120.00 |
08.11.22 | DKP Bonus for 91 Alaran | 250.00 |
05.09.21 | Being awesome and getting all reps and task arcs done for Sunday raid! ( except for some rollback losers XD ) | 75.00 |
08.30.20 | Level 70 by Raid Time | 25.00 |
08.30.20 | Anguish Signet Completion by Raid Time | 50.00 |
02.15.20 | PoStorms Farming | 60.00 |
12.10.19 | Need on spells they can't use RIP... | -1.00 |
12.08.19 | VT Key DKP Incentive | 30.00 |
12.02.19 | Emp Key DKP Incentive | 20.00 |
11.17.19 | DKP Adjustment | -4.00 |
06.09.19 | Level 60 by June 9th | 10.00 |
... 13 entries found |
No notes available.
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