• Sunday, 19. January 2025 08:19
class 5
Level 105, Magician

DKP Information

Show the points information for this Char only

Point account name Earned Spent Adjustment Current Raids (30 days) Raids (60 days) Raids (90 days) Raids (lifetime)
Default 6377.00 5799.00 670.00 1248.00 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 41% (284/698)
... 1 entries found

Raid Attendance History

Date Name Note Value
03.23.23 [TDS] zzzzzz 25.00
03.07.23 [COTF] Zek Bros 20.00
02.23.23 [COTF] Zek Bras 20.00
03.21.23 [TDS] Well that was something 25.00
04.11.23 [TDS] We did it! 25.00
08.01.23 [EoK] We've done all the things 25.00
05.16.23 [TDS] War. For funsies 25.00
04.11.23 [TDS] Tsomething 25.00
04.27.23 [TDS] Tower of Frozen Loolerskoots 25.00
08.01.23 [EoK] to fill all these extra tics 25.00
08.01.23 [EoK] think of fun witty things 25.00
10.04.22 [VoA] T4 W Sep 16.00
10.04.22 [VoA] T4 W Sep 16.00
09.27.22 [VoA] T4 W Sep 16.00
09.27.22 [VoA] T4 W Sep 16.00
09.20.22 [VoA] T4 W Sep 16.00
10.18.22 [VoA] T4 W Sep 16.00
10.18.22 [VoA] T4 W Sep 16.00
09.20.22 [VoA] T4 W Sep 16.00
10.04.22 [VoA] T4 Triunity 16.00
09.22.22 [VoA] T4 Triunity 16.00
09.22.22 [VoA] T4 Triunity 16.00
10.18.22 [VoA] T4 Sep Order Fallen 16.00
09.29.22 [VoA] T4 Sep Order Awakened 16.00
10.04.22 [VoA] T4 Sep Order Awakened 16.00
10.04.22 [VoA] T4 Sep Order Awakened 16.00
09.20.22 [VoA] T4 Sep Order Awakened 16.00
10.18.22 [VoA] T4 Sep Order Awakened 16.00
09.29.22 [VoA] T4 Sep Order Awakened 16.00
09.27.22 [VoA] T4 Sep Order 16.00
10.06.22 [VoA] T4 Pillars 16.00
09.29.22 [VoA] T4 Pillars 16.00
10.18.22 [VoA] T4 Pillars 16.00
09.22.22 [VoA] T4 Pillars 16.00
09.22.22 [VoA] T4 Pillars 16.00
10.06.22 [VoA] T4 Order of Three 16.00
09.20.22 [VoA] T4 Order of Three 16.00
09.27.22 [VoA] T4 Order of Three 16.00
11.08.22 [RoF] T4 Lootstravaganzabonanzawtfbbqsauce + Luclin's 90 Million lewts 20.00
11.08.22 [RoF] T4 Lootstravaganzabonanzawtfbbqsauce 20.00
11.08.22 [RoF] T4 Lootstravaganzabonanzawtfbbqsauce 20.00
11.08.22 [RoF] T4 Lootstravaganzabonanzawtfbbqsauce 20.00
10.30.22 [RoF] T4 Heart of Phear - Snah nap time 20.00
10.30.22 [RoF] T4 Heart of Phear - hug crystals for tunics! 20.00
10.30.22 [RoF] T4 Heart of Phear - glimpse deez nuts 20.00
10.30.22 [RoF] T4 Heart of Phear - Bonus tracks 20.00
09.20.22 [VoA] T4 E Sep 16.00
09.27.22 [VoA] T4 E Sep 16.00
09.27.22 [VoA] T4 Cacophony + T3 Beast 16.00
09.20.22 [VoA] T4 Cacophony 16.00
10.04.22 [VoA] T4 Caca Phony 16.00
10.06.22 [VoA] T3 Two Sides 16.00
09.29.22 [VoA] T3 Two Sides 16.00
09.29.22 [VoA] T3 Time + Tides 16.00
09.22.22 [VoA] T3 Time + Tides 16.00
10.06.22 [VoA] T3 Time + Tides 16.00
07.11.23 [TBM] T3 This game works perfectly 100% of the time 25.00
06.22.23 [TBM] T3 Seraphina 25.00
10.25.22 [RoF] T3 Looselion 20.00
06.27.23 [TBM] T3 Last Lady 25.00
07.06.23 [TBM] T3 Ladytime 25.00
10.06.22 [VoA] T3 King of Beasts 16.00
09.22.22 [VoA] T3 King of Beasts 16.00
07.11.23 [TBM] T3 High Bokon 25.00
07.06.23 [TBM] T3 High Bokon 25.00
06.27.23 [TBM] T3 High Bokon 25.00
06.20.23 [TBM] T3 High Bokon 25.00
11.01.22 [RoF] T3 Dispelling Shadows 20.00
10.25.22 [RoF] T3 Chelsith 20.00
11.01.22 [RoF] T3 Champions slave friends 20.00
05.30.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Snahrinus + Extra Snah Boi 25.00
05.11.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Quirinus 25.00
04.20.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Quirinus 25.00
03.28.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Quirinus 25.00
04.06.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Quirinus 25.00
05.25.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Queerinus (we like it) 25.00
05.18.23 [TDS] T3 Calix 25.00
04.27.23 [TDS] T3 Calix 25.00
11.10.22 [RoF] T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic 20.00
11.10.22 [RoF] T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic 20.00
11.10.22 [RoF] T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic 20.00
11.10.22 [RoF] T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic 20.00
03.07.23 [COTF] T2 Z-bux 20.00
11.01.22 [RoF] T2 Xorbb moar cheevos 20.00
11.01.22 [RoF] T2 Xorbb cheevos 20.00
10.25.22 [RoF] T2 Xorbbb 20.00
11.01.22 [RoF] T2 Xorbb all the cheevos 20.00
02.23.23 [COTF] T2 We did it boys, nobody fell off 20.00
05.23.23 [TDS] T2 We're in the COPSE boys 25.00
10.25.22 [RoF] T2 Velishan's 20.00
05.23.23 [TDS] T2 UNDED GOT TURNT 25.00
04.04.23 [TDS] T2 The Lurker Below 25.00
05.30.23 [TDS] T2 Snah Finds Corpses 25.00
10.23.22 [RoF] T2 Skellies and Wraiths and JFC what even was that 20.00
08.01.23 [EoK] T2 Queen, um, yeah.. we went FULL MESS 25.00
03.19.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Vicarum Omnomnom 25.00
03.28.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Vicarum Nomia 25.00
03.28.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Quastori Numicia 25.00
03.19.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Quasimodo 25.00
03.28.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Indagatrix Lucia 25.00
... 100 entries found / 284 are shown

Item Purchase History

Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
08.01.23 Lumene Queen's Stud [EoK] default 250.00
08.01.23 Lumene Glowing Runes of Kunark [EoK] default 1.00
06.15.23 Lumene Ring of Pureblood [TBM] default 350.00
06.15.23 Lumene Raw Deathseeker's Wristguard [TBM] default 500.00
06.08.23 Lumene Bone-Clasped Girdle [TBM] default 300.00
05.30.23 Lumene Collio Fortitias [TDS] default 150.00
05.25.23 Lumene Obexa Animus [TDS] default 200.00
05.18.23 Lumene Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 500.00
05.16.23 Lumene Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.02.23 Lumene Statuae Clipium [TDS] default 500.00
04.25.23 Lumene Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 600.00
04.25.23 Lumene Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 500.00
04.04.23 Lumene Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Lumene Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
03.23.23 Lumene Polished Marble of Tenacity [TDS] default 40.00
11.10.22 Lumene Grounds Stomper's Necklace [RoF] default 1.00
11.10.22 Lumene Dragon Tail Belt [RoF] default 40.00
11.10.22 Lumene Dread Tunic [RoF] default 140.00
11.08.22 Lumene Dread Washed Bracer [RoF] default 180.00
11.08.22 Lumene Primed Fragment of Fearlinked Zeal [RoF] default 1.00
11.08.22 Lumene Eylcall, Tear of Scorned [RoF] default 450.00
11.08.22 Lumene Dread Infused Armguards [RoF] default 300.00
11.03.22 Lumene Dread Touched Gloves [RoF] default 1.00
11.03.22 Lumene Dread Touched Armguards [RoF] default 50.00
11.03.22 Lumene Dread Touched Bracer [RoF] default 40.00
11.03.22 Lumene Dread Helm [RoF] default 20.00
11.01.22 Lumene Dread Washed Leggings [RoF] default 140.00
10.20.22 Lumene Glory Abound [RoF] default 150.00
10.06.22 Lumene Rule [VoA] default 175.00
... 29 entries found

Individual Adjustment History

Date Reason Value
03.19.23 Level 105 by March 19th 150.00
11.03.22 Level 100 by Nov 3rd 120.00
10.02.22 Raider Promotion Bonus 400.00
... 3 entries found
Icon Event Raids (lifetime)
eventicon9 [KUN] Venril Sathir
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Funsies
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Hate
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
78.00% (42/54)
27.00% (40/147)
15.00% (14/96)
85.00% (122/144)
59.00% (54/91)
13.00% (12/94)
0.00% (0/0)
DKP Adjustment
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Gorenaire
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Sky
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Dragons
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Yael / Phinny
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/2)
[KUN] Severilous
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Talendor
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Trakanon
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Veeshan's Peak
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Fear
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Pick Spawning
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Fear
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Tunare
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Zlandi/Klandi
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Kael
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Yeli
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Dains/Velk
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/70)
... 43 entries found
No notes available.



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