Level 105, Magician
DKP Information
Point account name | Earned | Spent | Adjustment | Current | Raids (30 days) | Raids (60 days) | Raids (90 days) | Raids (lifetime) |
Default | 6377.00 | 5799.00 | 670.00 | 1248.00 | 0% (0/0) | 0% (0/0) | 0% (0/0) | 41% (284/698) |
... 1 entries found |
Raid Attendance History
Date | Name | Note | Value |
03.23.23 | [TDS] | zzzzzz | 25.00 |
03.07.23 | [COTF] | Zek Bros | 20.00 |
02.23.23 | [COTF] | Zek Bras | 20.00 |
03.21.23 | [TDS] | Well that was something | 25.00 |
04.11.23 | [TDS] | We did it! | 25.00 |
08.01.23 | [EoK] | We've done all the things | 25.00 |
05.16.23 | [TDS] | War. For funsies | 25.00 |
04.11.23 | [TDS] | Tsomething | 25.00 |
04.27.23 | [TDS] | Tower of Frozen Loolerskoots | 25.00 |
08.01.23 | [EoK] | to fill all these extra tics | 25.00 |
08.01.23 | [EoK] | think of fun witty things | 25.00 |
10.04.22 | [VoA] | T4 W Sep | 16.00 |
10.04.22 | [VoA] | T4 W Sep | 16.00 |
09.27.22 | [VoA] | T4 W Sep | 16.00 |
09.27.22 | [VoA] | T4 W Sep | 16.00 |
09.20.22 | [VoA] | T4 W Sep | 16.00 |
10.18.22 | [VoA] | T4 W Sep | 16.00 |
10.18.22 | [VoA] | T4 W Sep | 16.00 |
09.20.22 | [VoA] | T4 W Sep | 16.00 |
10.04.22 | [VoA] | T4 Triunity | 16.00 |
09.22.22 | [VoA] | T4 Triunity | 16.00 |
09.22.22 | [VoA] | T4 Triunity | 16.00 |
10.18.22 | [VoA] | T4 Sep Order Fallen | 16.00 |
09.29.22 | [VoA] | T4 Sep Order Awakened | 16.00 |
10.04.22 | [VoA] | T4 Sep Order Awakened | 16.00 |
10.04.22 | [VoA] | T4 Sep Order Awakened | 16.00 |
09.20.22 | [VoA] | T4 Sep Order Awakened | 16.00 |
10.18.22 | [VoA] | T4 Sep Order Awakened | 16.00 |
09.29.22 | [VoA] | T4 Sep Order Awakened | 16.00 |
09.27.22 | [VoA] | T4 Sep Order | 16.00 |
10.06.22 | [VoA] | T4 Pillars | 16.00 |
09.29.22 | [VoA] | T4 Pillars | 16.00 |
10.18.22 | [VoA] | T4 Pillars | 16.00 |
09.22.22 | [VoA] | T4 Pillars | 16.00 |
09.22.22 | [VoA] | T4 Pillars | 16.00 |
10.06.22 | [VoA] | T4 Order of Three | 16.00 |
09.20.22 | [VoA] | T4 Order of Three | 16.00 |
09.27.22 | [VoA] | T4 Order of Three | 16.00 |
11.08.22 | [RoF] | T4 Lootstravaganzabonanzawtfbbqsauce + Luclin's 90 Million lewts | 20.00 |
11.08.22 | [RoF] | T4 Lootstravaganzabonanzawtfbbqsauce | 20.00 |
11.08.22 | [RoF] | T4 Lootstravaganzabonanzawtfbbqsauce | 20.00 |
11.08.22 | [RoF] | T4 Lootstravaganzabonanzawtfbbqsauce | 20.00 |
10.30.22 | [RoF] | T4 Heart of Phear - Snah nap time | 20.00 |
10.30.22 | [RoF] | T4 Heart of Phear - hug crystals for tunics! | 20.00 |
10.30.22 | [RoF] | T4 Heart of Phear - glimpse deez nuts | 20.00 |
10.30.22 | [RoF] | T4 Heart of Phear - Bonus tracks | 20.00 |
09.20.22 | [VoA] | T4 E Sep | 16.00 |
09.27.22 | [VoA] | T4 E Sep | 16.00 |
09.27.22 | [VoA] | T4 Cacophony + T3 Beast | 16.00 |
09.20.22 | [VoA] | T4 Cacophony | 16.00 |
10.04.22 | [VoA] | T4 Caca Phony | 16.00 |
10.06.22 | [VoA] | T3 Two Sides | 16.00 |
09.29.22 | [VoA] | T3 Two Sides | 16.00 |
09.29.22 | [VoA] | T3 Time + Tides | 16.00 |
09.22.22 | [VoA] | T3 Time + Tides | 16.00 |
10.06.22 | [VoA] | T3 Time + Tides | 16.00 |
07.11.23 | [TBM] | T3 This game works perfectly 100% of the time | 25.00 |
06.22.23 | [TBM] | T3 Seraphina | 25.00 |
10.25.22 | [RoF] | T3 Looselion | 20.00 |
06.27.23 | [TBM] | T3 Last Lady | 25.00 |
07.06.23 | [TBM] | T3 Ladytime | 25.00 |
10.06.22 | [VoA] | T3 King of Beasts | 16.00 |
09.22.22 | [VoA] | T3 King of Beasts | 16.00 |
07.11.23 | [TBM] | T3 High Bokon | 25.00 |
07.06.23 | [TBM] | T3 High Bokon | 25.00 |
06.27.23 | [TBM] | T3 High Bokon | 25.00 |
06.20.23 | [TBM] | T3 High Bokon | 25.00 |
11.01.22 | [RoF] | T3 Dispelling Shadows | 20.00 |
10.25.22 | [RoF] | T3 Chelsith | 20.00 |
11.01.22 | [RoF] | T3 Champions slave friends | 20.00 |
05.30.23 | [TDS] | T3 Calix Snahrinus + Extra Snah Boi | 25.00 |
05.11.23 | [TDS] | T3 Calix Quirinus | 25.00 |
04.20.23 | [TDS] | T3 Calix Quirinus | 25.00 |
03.28.23 | [TDS] | T3 Calix Quirinus | 25.00 |
04.06.23 | [TDS] | T3 Calix Quirinus | 25.00 |
05.25.23 | [TDS] | T3 Calix Queerinus (we like it) | 25.00 |
05.18.23 | [TDS] | T3 Calix | 25.00 |
04.27.23 | [TDS] | T3 Calix | 25.00 |
11.10.22 | [RoF] | T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic | 20.00 |
11.10.22 | [RoF] | T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic | 20.00 |
11.10.22 | [RoF] | T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic | 20.00 |
11.10.22 | [RoF] | T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic | 20.00 |
03.07.23 | [COTF] | T2 Z-bux | 20.00 |
11.01.22 | [RoF] | T2 Xorbb moar cheevos | 20.00 |
11.01.22 | [RoF] | T2 Xorbb cheevos | 20.00 |
10.25.22 | [RoF] | T2 Xorbbb | 20.00 |
11.01.22 | [RoF] | T2 Xorbb all the cheevos | 20.00 |
02.23.23 | [COTF] | T2 We did it boys, nobody fell off | 20.00 |
05.23.23 | [TDS] | T2 We're in the COPSE boys | 25.00 |
10.25.22 | [RoF] | T2 Velishan's | 20.00 |
05.23.23 | [TDS] | T2 UNDED GOT TURNT | 25.00 |
04.04.23 | [TDS] | T2 The Lurker Below | 25.00 |
05.30.23 | [TDS] | T2 Snah Finds Corpses | 25.00 |
10.23.22 | [RoF] | T2 Skellies and Wraiths and JFC what even was that | 20.00 |
08.01.23 | [EoK] | T2 Queen, um, yeah.. we went FULL MESS | 25.00 |
03.19.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Vicarum Omnomnom | 25.00 |
03.28.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Vicarum Nomia | 25.00 |
03.28.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Quastori Numicia | 25.00 |
03.19.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Quasimodo | 25.00 |
03.28.23 | [TDS] | T2 Principal Indagatrix Lucia | 25.00 |
... 100 entries found / 284 are shown |
Item Purchase History
Date | Buyer | Name | Raid | Itempool | Value |
08.01.23 | Lumene | Queen's Stud | [EoK] | default | 250.00 |
08.01.23 | Lumene | Glowing Runes of Kunark | [EoK] | default | 1.00 |
06.15.23 | Lumene | Ring of Pureblood | [TBM] | default | 350.00 |
06.15.23 | Lumene | Raw Deathseeker's Wristguard | [TBM] | default | 500.00 |
06.08.23 | Lumene | Bone-Clasped Girdle | [TBM] | default | 300.00 |
05.30.23 | Lumene | Collio Fortitias | [TDS] | default | 150.00 |
05.25.23 | Lumene | Obexa Animus | [TDS] | default | 200.00 |
05.18.23 | Lumene | Darkwater Helm | [TDS] | default | 500.00 |
05.16.23 | Lumene | Minor Essence of the Citadel | [TDS] | default | 20.00 |
05.02.23 | Lumene | Statuae Clipium | [TDS] | default | 500.00 |
04.25.23 | Lumene | Darkwater Armguards | [TDS] | default | 600.00 |
04.25.23 | Lumene | Darkwater Gloves | [TDS] | default | 500.00 |
04.04.23 | Lumene | Median Essence of the Citadel | [TDS] | default | 100.00 |
03.28.23 | Lumene | Minor Essence of the Citadel | [TDS] | default | 100.00 |
03.23.23 | Lumene | Polished Marble of Tenacity | [TDS] | default | 40.00 |
11.10.22 | Lumene | Grounds Stomper's Necklace | [RoF] | default | 1.00 |
11.10.22 | Lumene | Dragon Tail Belt | [RoF] | default | 40.00 |
11.10.22 | Lumene | Dread Tunic | [RoF] | default | 140.00 |
11.08.22 | Lumene | Dread Washed Bracer | [RoF] | default | 180.00 |
11.08.22 | Lumene | Primed Fragment of Fearlinked Zeal | [RoF] | default | 1.00 |
11.08.22 | Lumene | Eylcall, Tear of Scorned | [RoF] | default | 450.00 |
11.08.22 | Lumene | Dread Infused Armguards | [RoF] | default | 300.00 |
11.03.22 | Lumene | Dread Touched Gloves | [RoF] | default | 1.00 |
11.03.22 | Lumene | Dread Touched Armguards | [RoF] | default | 50.00 |
11.03.22 | Lumene | Dread Touched Bracer | [RoF] | default | 40.00 |
11.03.22 | Lumene | Dread Helm | [RoF] | default | 20.00 |
11.01.22 | Lumene | Dread Washed Leggings | [RoF] | default | 140.00 |
10.20.22 | Lumene | Glory Abound | [RoF] | default | 150.00 |
10.06.22 | Lumene | Rule | [VoA] | default | 175.00 |
... 29 entries found |
Individual Adjustment History
Date | Reason | Value |
03.19.23 | Level 105 by March 19th | 150.00 |
11.03.22 | Level 100 by Nov 3rd | 120.00 |
10.02.22 | Raider Promotion Bonus | 400.00 |
... 3 entries found |
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