• Sunday, 16. February 2025 11:43




Date Name Note Value
03.07.23 [COTF] T2 Z-bux 20.00
03.07.23 [COTF] T2 Burn One 20.00
03.07.23 [COTF] T2 Fuckin Kyle 20.00
03.07.23 [COTF] Zek Bros 20.00
03.02.23 [COTF] Sexytime with new and improved Orsus 20.00
03.02.23 [COTF] T1 The Legacy of Orsus 20.00
03.02.23 [COTF] T1 Orsus Prime 20.00
03.02.23 [COTF] T1 House of Orsus 20.00
03.02.23 [COTF] T2 Orsus' Journey Home 20.00
03.02.23 [COTF] T2 Burn Orsus 20.00
02.28.23 [COTF] T1 My dudes, shoulders dropped, on god 20.00
02.28.23 [COTF] T1 All hail Dami our raid Lord and Savior 20.00
02.28.23 [COTF] T1 Buzz off! 20.00
02.28.23 [COTF] T1 Go click drum 20.00
02.28.23 [COTF] T2 Fucking Kelvin 20.00
02.28.23 [COTF] PoW You guyyyyyzzz nailing strats end of xpac 20.00
02.23.23 [COTF] T1 What did we learn? Jeszi has always had bad breath 20.00
02.23.23 [COTF] T1 Cleric dps time 20.00
02.23.23 [COTF] T1 Meatballs 20.00
02.23.23 [COTF] T1 Where did Galenth go? 20.00
02.23.23 [COTF] T2 We did it boys, nobody fell off 20.00
02.23.23 [COTF] Zek Bras 20.00
02.21.23 [COTF] T1 That one with the spectres 20.00
02.21.23 [COTF] T1 The unraveling 20.00
02.21.23 [COTF] T2 All of the phoenixes...phoenixi? 20.00
02.21.23 [COTF] T1 Who is better, Mike Portnoy or Neal Peart? 20.00
02.21.23 [COTF] T1 Buzz buzz warriors die buzz 20.00
02.21.23 [COTF] T2 Punchin holes in drywall 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] T1 Nah Rye Ack ??? 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] T1 Dead tanks hills 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] T1 Two balls in the back 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] T1 Learning Shatmo's measurements 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] T2 Void on the achievement window 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] WAR! What is it good for? Absolutely ONE SHOT 20.00
02.14.23 [COTF] T2 Kyle's delicious asshole 20.00
02.14.23 [COTF] Extra special Valentine's sexytime 20.00
02.14.23 [COTF] T1 Love rising 20.00
02.14.23 [COTF] T1 Love hurts, love stings 20.00
02.14.23 [COTF] T1 Bang it slowly 20.00
02.14.23 [COTF] T2 Burnin Love 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T1 The rest of it 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T1 Puttin the Dead in Dead Hills 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T1 Xulous Insta-Dead Prime 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T1 Defense of Lenindininarianinan 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T2 Journey to AT&T Lag Fest 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T2 BBBurn out 20.00
02.07.23 [COTF] Extra DKP for checking out Kpop's OnlyFans 20.00
02.07.23 [COTF] T1 Let's go for 9 waves next time 20.00
02.07.23 [COTF] T1 BEES MAN 20.00
02.07.23 [COTF] T1 Bang the Drum Slowly 20.00
02.07.23 [COTF] T2 Fuckin Kyle 20.00
02.07.23 [COTF] PoW Zek bros 20.00
02.02.23 [COTF] Sexytime 20.00
02.02.23 [COTF] T1 Bzzazzitazzirazzimazzabi 20.00
02.02.23 [COTF] T1 Saving Jacyll, fuck Hyde 20.00
02.02.23 [COTF] T1 The Hate Rises 20.00
02.02.23 [COTF] T1 House of Thexy Zaddies 20.00
02.02.23 [COTF] T1 Xululululululululous Prime 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T1 DH 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T1 WK stuff 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T1 WK things 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T2 Zebbucks or Rucks 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T2 Sunwell 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T2 Dammit Kyle 20.00
01.26.23 [COTF] Sexytime 20.00
01.26.23 [COTF] Extra DKP for shamans winning the game 20.00
01.26.23 [COTF] Extra DKP for giving Orsus a hard time 20.00
01.26.23 [COTF] T1 Clear 20.00
01.26.23 [COTF] T1 Clear 20.00
01.26.23 [COTF] T1 Clear 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] T1 Stuff 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] T1 Stuff 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] PoW Zek Bros 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] PoW Zek Bros 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] PoW Zek Bros 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] PoW Zek Bros 20.00
01.22.23 [COTF] T1 Cleanup 20.00
01.22.23 [COTF] T2 Journey Home (by getting blown off the island lulz) 20.00
01.22.23 [COTF] T2 Sunwell aka Burn Out 20.00
01.22.23 [COTF] T2 Fuckin Kyle 20.00
01.19.23 [COTF] PoW TZ/VZ Kill gg 20.00
01.19.23 [COTF] PoW TZ/VZ Prog 20.00
01.19.23 [COTF] Post TZ/VZ Dick Slapping 20.00
01.19.23 [COTF] PoW TZ/VZ Prog 20.00
01.17.23 [COTF] T1 Reclear 20.00
01.17.23 [COTF] T1 Reclear 20.00
01.17.23 [COTF] T1 Reclear 20.00
01.17.23 [COTF] T1 Reclear 20.00
01.15.23 [COTF] TZ/VZ Attempts 20.00
01.15.23 [COTF] Neriak - Hate Rising 20.00
01.15.23 [COTF] BEE RAIDS? 20.00
01.15.23 [COTF] are there any sea raids? 20.00
01.12.23 [COTF] this guy hits hard we might need glyphs 20.00
01.12.23 [COTF] lfm no sleep till aa cap ha's pst 20.00
01.12.23 [COTF] wait we can do more raids? 20.00
01.12.23 [COTF] cotf stands for call of the fuck you ROF you were so boring. 20.00
... 96 entries found


Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
03.07.23 Wits Royal Guardian's Vermilion Saber [COTF] default 40.00
03.07.23 Dumaz Weight of Divinity [COTF] default 61.00
03.07.23 Mrhugs Staff of the First Light [COTF] default 1.00
03.07.23 Tenu Peerless Platinum Band [COTF] default 180.00
03.07.23 Subster Gorget of Ancestral Loss [COTF] default 1.00
03.07.23 Sugarloaf Peerless Platinum Band [COTF] default 100.00
03.07.23 Nevil Leggings of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 60.00
03.07.23 Keejor Armguards of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 31.00
03.07.23 Setsah Jahar's Burning Hoop [COTF] default 51.00
03.07.23 Canaras Longbow of Intermittent Flame [COTF] default 1.00
03.07.23 Nevil Bracer of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 60.00
03.07.23 Gancho Bracer of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 40.00
03.07.23 Wits Collar of the Forsaken [COTF] default 220.00
03.07.23 Hype Armguards of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 75.00
03.07.23 Jeszi Bracer of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 40.00
03.07.23 Lhranc Aylinvar, Longbow of the Sol'Dal [COTF] default 20.00
03.07.23 Hype Bloodied Stone of Might [COTF] default 21.00
03.07.23 Gancho Rune of Incursion [COTF] default 1.00
03.07.23 Filthy Jagged Earring of Potency [COTF] default 100.00
03.07.23 Takes Rune of Incursion [COTF] default 20.00
03.07.23 Dami Stamato, Felshard of Entropy [COTF] default 1.00
03.07.23 Seep Fragment of Nobility [COTF] default 500.00
03.02.23 Nicda Sycophant's Carved Loop [COTF] default 20.00
03.02.23 Syncope Buckler of the Roaring Lion [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Canaras Lance of the Icestorm [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Wits Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
03.02.23 Bakaf Brilliant Ring of Empty Oaths [COTF] default 20.00
03.02.23 Gancho Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
03.02.23 Nicda Tarnished Garnet Earring [COTF] default 40.00
03.02.23 Bakaf Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Mystris Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Harmemme Bonechime Earring [COTF] default 40.00
03.02.23 Lhranc Bonechime Earring [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Mrhugs Royal Scepter of Thex [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Sint Rosestem Whip [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Shadowkiller Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Bakaf Bubbling Flask of Impure Mana [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Bakaf Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
03.02.23 Kickun Tunic of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 350.00
03.02.23 Kickun Hands of the Destroyer [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Tenu Dresovir Shard, Ro's Fiery Tower [COTF] default 160.00
03.02.23 Mystris Solution of Unfreezing Ice [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Sugarloaf Armguards of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 100.00
03.02.23 Bigg Pauldrons of Tribulation [COTF] default 1.00
03.02.23 Gancho Mantle of Power [COTF] default 60.00
03.02.23 Kooper Leggings of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 90.00
03.02.23 Gancho Leggings of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 61.00
03.02.23 Wits Aylinvar, Longbow of the Sol'Dal [COTF] default 80.00
02.28.23 Syncope Mask of the Cyclops [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Bigg Scowling Mask [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Tahlmah Bloodstained Shoulders [COTF] default 350.00
02.28.23 Mystris Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.28.23 Kickun Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.28.23 Jeszi Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.28.23 Mrhugs Glimmering Cloak [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Kooper Nondescript Shoulder Wrap [COTF] default 12.00
02.28.23 Subster Lance of the Bloodfiend [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Bakaf Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.28.23 Takes Lance of the Bloodfiend [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Bakaf Talisman of Encircled Minds [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Taldori Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.28.23 Fartur Amulet of Icy Swells [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Keejor Soulsavior's Blued Steelforce Crusher [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Dami Blued Steelforce Longbow [COTF] default 20.00
02.28.23 Canaras Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.28.23 Fartur Shadowed Spaulders [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Bakaf Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.28.23 Lhranc Cold Steel Axe [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Dami Bramblethorn Pauldrons [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Dumaz Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 60.00
02.28.23 Sugarloaf Crumbling Facade of the Fool [COTF] default 160.00
02.28.23 Grigor Officer's Ornamental Gladius [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Jeszi Decaying Oculus Ring [COTF] default 60.00
02.28.23 Glarex Brilliant Sorcerer's Anelace [COTF] default 1.00
02.28.23 Keejor Helm of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 50.00
02.28.23 Gorsis Bracer of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 100.00
02.28.23 Lhranc Rune of Incursion [COTF] default 40.00
02.28.23 Brutail Polished Marble of Tenacity [COTF] default 20.00
02.28.23 Sililx Burning Brand of War [COTF] default 20.00
02.28.23 Tenu Synostis, Martel of Ruination [COTF] default 350.00
02.28.23 Twincast Bloodborn Bauble [COTF] default 160.00
02.28.23 Skyfall Shard of Celerity [COTF] default 490.00
02.28.23 Bigg Bloodied Stone of Might [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Fartur Shrunken Skull Charm [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Kooper Boneshard Earstud [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Quickfist Eye of Lxanvom [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Fartur Boneshard Earstud [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Grigor Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Brutail Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.23.23 Gorsis Lance of the Icestorm [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Gancho Sycophant's Carved Loop [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Setsah Dirt Stained Band of Twisted Roots [COTF] default 20.00
02.23.23 Harmemme Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 45.00
02.23.23 Dishonor Sycophant's Carved Loop [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Jeszi Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Barefeet Shawl of Redemption [COTF] default 80.00
02.23.23 Sint Nondescript Shoulder Wrap [COTF] default 20.00
02.23.23 Bigg Lance of the Bloodfiend [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Kaith Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.23.23 Brutail Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.23.23 Fartur Cold Steel Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Bakaf Golden Mask of the Sunrise [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Jeszi Fringed Mask of the Night [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Kickun Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.23.23 Grigor Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.23.23 Gorsis Collar of the Forsaen [COTF] default 200.00
02.23.23 Grigor Armguards of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 120.00
02.23.23 Setsah Tunic of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 200.00
02.23.23 Jefe Necklace of Pale Light [COTF] default 300.00
02.23.23 Steel Hands of the Destroyer [COTF] default 20.00
02.23.23 Grigor Bloodied Stone of Might [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Orsus Bloodied Stone of Might [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Kooper Bloodied Stone of Might [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Steel Rune of Incursion [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Gancho Olethros, Runestaff of Calamity [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Sharsep Jagged Earring of Potency [COTF] default 1.00
02.23.23 Kooper Eagle's Claw [COTF] default 150.00
02.21.23 Tinston Tunic of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 100.00
02.21.23 Jeszi Tunic of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 100.00
02.21.23 Lhranc Plated Belt of the Hate Fueled Champion [COTF] default 20.00
02.21.23 Quickfist Naythox's Keeper of Order [COTF] default 1.00
02.21.23 Brutail Silken Midnight Sash [COTF] default 20.00
02.21.23 Grigor Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.21.23 Sililx Royal Emblem [COTF] default 20.00
02.21.23 Orsus Rosestem Whip [COTF] default 1.00
02.21.23 Kaith Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.21.23 Sililx Leggings of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 220.00
02.21.23 Jeszi Weight of Divinity [COTF] default 50.00
02.21.23 Kickun Leggings of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 250.00
02.21.23 Orsus Flamewind, the Keeper's Light [COTF] default 20.00
02.21.23 Grigor Burden of Dresolik [COTF] default 40.00
02.21.23 Jilcey Huntsman's Bloodcharm Necklace [COTF] default 1.00
02.21.23 Grigor Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.21.23 Knud Plundered Blue Steelforce Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
02.21.23 Bandito Buzzing Bixie Choker [COTF] default 1.00
02.21.23 Sililx Blued Steelforce Longbow [COTF] default 1.00
02.21.23 Harmemme Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 60.00
02.21.23 Tahlmah Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
02.21.23 Harmemme Durable Pauldrons [COTF] default 20.00
02.21.23 Tahlmah Silk-Lined Hood [COTF] default 1.00
02.21.23 Mrhugs Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
02.21.23 Tenu Gloves of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 60.00
02.21.23 Skyfall Crumbling Facade of the Fool [COTF] default 170.00
02.21.23 Canaras Peerless Platinum Band [COTF] default 200.00
02.21.23 Gorsis Bracer of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 140.00
02.21.23 Subster Royal Guardian's Vermilion Saber [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Shadowkiller Bubbling Flask of Impure Mana [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Lhranc Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.16.23 Dishonor Glimflash Gem [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Dami Royal Thex Mallet [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Harmemme Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.16.23 Orsus Royal Thex Katar [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Bakaf Wand of Wanton Disease [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Mystris Sycophant's Carved Loop [COTF] default 20.00
02.16.23 Pokin Dirt Stained Band of Twisted Roots [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Canaras Tarnished Captain's Wedding Ring [COTF] default 100.00
02.16.23 Setsah Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.16.23 Sugarloaf Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.16.23 Bandito Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Pokin Twisted Beryl Earring [COTF] default 20.00
02.16.23 Mrhugs Shrunken Skull Charm [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Shadowkiller Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Setsah Bonesnap Earring [COTF] default 20.00
02.16.23 Lhranc Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.16.23 Harmemme Lance of the Bloodfiend [COTF] default 20.00
02.16.23 Keejor Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.16.23 Lhranc Sturdy Mail Cape [COTF] default 40.00
02.16.23 Pokin Tattered Cloak [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Setsah Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.16.23 Glarex Mask of the Cyclops [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Lhranc Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.16.23 Pokin Mask of the Cyclops [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Glarex Staff of the First Light [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Tenu Armguards of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 100.00
02.16.23 Bandito Girdle of the Weaponsmaster [COTF] default 700.00
02.16.23 Supertank Chains of the Forsaken [COTF] default 120.00
02.16.23 Sililx Dresovir Shard, Ro's Fiery Tower [COTF] default 20.00
02.16.23 Gorsis Tunic of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 500.00
02.16.23 Mrhugs Beacon of Lost Souls [COTF] default 150.00
02.16.23 Sharsep Tarachi, Spellblade of Pandemonium [COTF] default 200.00
02.16.23 Tinston Fragment of Nobility [COTF] default 400.00
02.16.23 Dishonor Bonebraided Hoop [COTF] default 250.00
02.16.23 Sugarloaf Shard of Celerity [COTF] default 600.00
02.16.23 Mosspaw Dakiros, Claws of Screaming Death [COTF] default 1.00
02.16.23 Sililx Bloodied Stone of Might [COTF] default 20.00
02.16.23 Lhranc Bloodied Stone of Might [COTF] default 20.00
02.14.23 Tenu Bracer of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 160.00
02.14.23 Sugarloaf Officer's Ornamental Gladius [COTF] default 50.00
02.14.23 Tenu Bracer of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 120.00
02.14.23 Sililx Loop of Lingering Decay [COTF] default 100.00
02.14.23 Sollus Loop of Lingering Decay [COTF] default 120.00
02.14.23 Lhranc Jerard, the Doll of Silent Confessions [COTF] default 40.00
02.14.23 Setsah Cristanos' Kiss [COTF] default 1.00
02.14.23 Mystris Tunic of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 60.00
02.14.23 Sollus Soft Linen Waistwrap [COTF] default 1.00
02.14.23 Lhranc Tunic of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.14.23 Provoke Dragoon's Crusher [COTF] default 1.00
02.14.23 Provoke Plundered Blue Steelforce Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
02.14.23 Sugarloaf Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.14.23 Tahlmah Amulet of Icy Swells [COTF] default 20.00
02.14.23 Setsah Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.14.23 Steel Talisman of Encircled Minds [COTF] default 1.00
02.14.23 Setsah Pauldrons of Tribulation [COTF] default 60.00
02.14.23 Tenu Leggings of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 250.00
02.14.23 Canaras Lampyrid Stiletto [COTF] default 1.00
02.14.23 Gorsis Imp Eye Earring [COTF] default 120.00
02.14.23 Mystris Silk-Lined Mantle [COTF] default 100.00
02.14.23 Canaras Lampyrid Longbow [COTF] default 1.00
02.14.23 Brutail Heartflame, Guide of the Sol'Dal [COTF] default 20.00
02.14.23 Setsah Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.14.23 Kerivek Gilded Hammer of Ro's Light [COTF] default 100.00
02.14.23 Dumaz Durable Chitin Pauldrons [COTF] default 10.00
02.14.23 Tenu Aylinvar, Longbow of the Sol'Dal [COTF] default 120.00
02.14.23 Lhranc Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.14.23 Tenu Boots of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 170.00
02.09.23 Harmemme Royal Emblem [COTF] default 40.00
02.09.23 Sililx Dragoon's Crusher [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Lhranc Endless Wineskin [COTF] default 20.00
02.09.23 Sugarloaf Tunic of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 100.00
02.09.23 Dishonor Tunic of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 80.00
02.09.23 Bandito Royal Thex Mallet [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Sugarloaf Dragoon's Crusher [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Jeszi Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.09.23 Sililx Gossamer Ribbon of Bloodlust [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Jilcey Royal Scepter of Thex [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Orsus Soft Linen Waistwrap [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Skyfall Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.09.23 Dami Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.09.23 Orsus Dirt Stained Band of Twisted Roots [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Keejor Emerald Loop of Salvation [COTF] default 40.00
02.09.23 Lhranc Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.09.23 Lhranc Band of Unquenched Bloodlust [COTF] default 40.00
02.09.23 Taldori Holy Rod of the Xulous [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Kamara Twisted Beryl Earring [COTF] default 25.00
02.09.23 Harmemme Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.09.23 Orsus Commanding Gaze [COTF] default 20.00
02.09.23 Sharsep Bonespike Earring [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Kickun Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.09.23 Harmemme Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.09.23 Steel Glimmerflow Cape [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Skyfall Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.09.23 Nicda Mace of Dire Straits [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Bakaf Rune-Etched Wrap [COTF] default 1.00
02.09.23 Sugarloaf Edge of the Void [COTF] default 150.00
02.09.23 Keejor Tunic of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 675.00
02.09.23 Gancho Orb of Timeless Night [COTF] default 70.00
02.09.23 Dami Girdle of the Weaponsmaster [COTF] default 550.00
02.09.23 Canaras Armguards of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 350.00
02.09.23 Mrhugs Amulet of Unified Vision [COTF] default 100.00
02.09.23 Sugarloaf Imp Eye Earring [COTF] default 180.00
02.09.23 Gorsis Boots of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 200.00
02.09.23 Mosspaw Leggings of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 250.00
02.09.23 Hype Burden of Dresolik [COTF] default 90.00
02.09.23 Kickun Flamewind, the Keeper's Light [COTF] default 50.00
02.07.23 Gancho Golden Mask of the Sunrise [COTF] default 1.00
02.07.23 Dishonor Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.07.23 Sililx Ripoli, the Warrior's Havoc [COTF] default 1.00
02.07.23 Gorsis Ripoli, the Warrior's Havoc [COTF] default 1.00
02.07.23 Orsus Mask of the Cyclops [COTF] default 1.00
02.07.23 Skyfall Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.07.23 Tahlmah Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 44.00
02.07.23 Nicda Targe of the Hive Hunter [COTF] default 200.00
02.07.23 Supertank Guardian's Greater Gorget [COTF] default 40.00
02.07.23 Jeszi Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 44.00
02.07.23 Ghadius Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
02.07.23 Keejor Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 22.00
02.07.23 Provoke Ragewoven Pauldrons [COTF] default 50.00
02.07.23 Orsus Shadowed Spaulders [COTF] default 1.00
02.07.23 Gorsis Gloves of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 220.00
02.07.23 Dumaz Band of Vile Putrescence [COTF] default 200.00
02.07.23 Sollus Helm of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 250.00
02.07.23 Sharsep Rosette of the Restless Dead [COTF] default 150.00
02.07.23 Sugarloaf Longbow of Intermittent Flame [COTF] default 20.00
02.07.23 Canaras Shard of Celerity [COTF] default 500.00
02.07.23 Provoke Ring of Polished Rage [COTF] default 200.00
02.07.23 Jetfuel Polished Marble of Tenacity [COTF] default 300.00
02.07.23 Dishonor Eagle's Claw [COTF] default 200.00
02.07.23 Harmemme Polished Marble of Tenacity [COTF] default 300.00
02.07.23 Mrhugs Fragment of Nobility [COTF] default 300.00
02.07.23 Twincast Olethros, Runestaff of Calamity [COTF] default 40.00
02.02.23 Barefeet Soulsavior's Blued Steelforce Crusher [COTF] default 1.00
02.02.23 Ralas Crystal of Soulmoon's Eve [COTF] default 50.00
02.02.23 Kickun Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 70.00
02.02.23 Lhranc Buzzing Bixie Choker [COTF] default 1.00
02.02.23 Skyfall Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 70.00
02.02.23 Provoke Lampyrid Stiletto [COTF] default 1.00
02.02.23 Bandito Lampyrid Longbow [COTF] default 1.00
02.02.23 Filthy Ichor-Stained Shoulderpads [COTF] default 80.00
02.02.23 Canaras Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 70.00
02.02.23 Sugarloaf Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 60.00
02.02.23 Lhranc Durable Pauldrons [COTF] default 20.00
02.02.23 Skyfall Tunic of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 170.00
02.02.23 Dumaz Tunic of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 205.00
02.02.23 Provoke Naythox's Keeper of Order [COTF] default 1.00
02.02.23 Steel Naythox's Keeper of Order [COTF] default 1.00
02.02.23 Setsah Gossamer Ribbon of Bloodlust [COTF] default 1.00
02.02.23 Kaith Brilliant Diamond Encrusted Sash [COTF] default 20.00
02.02.23 Seep Royal Scepter of Thex [COTF] default 1.00
02.02.23 Sugarloaf Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 160.00
02.02.23 Kickun Rosestem Whip [COTF] default 20.00
02.02.23 Dumaz Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 141.00
02.02.23 Brutail Deep Deathcap [COTF] default 20.00
02.02.23 Jeszi Deadgem Earring [COTF] default 1.00
02.02.23 Canaras Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
02.02.23 Gancho Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
02.02.23 Supertank Bonechime Earring [COTF] default 20.00
02.02.23 Ralas Deadgem Earring [COTF] default 20.00
02.02.23 Orsus Eye of Lxanvom [COTF] default 1.00
01.31.23 Dumaz Emerald Loop of Salvation [COTF] default 100.00
01.31.23 Steel Bloodstained Shoulders [COTF] default 1000.00
01.31.23 Mosspaw Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 60.00
01.31.23 Kickun Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 75.00
01.31.23 Tahlmah Sycophant's Carved Loop [COTF] default 40.00
01.31.23 Mrhugs Brilliant Ring of Empty Oaths [COTF] default 1.00
01.31.23 Sugarloaf Lance of the Icestorm [COTF] default 1.00
01.31.23 Shadowkiller Lionskin Frock [COTF] default 1.00
01.31.23 Sugarloaf Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 60.00
01.31.23 Jefe Mace of Dire Straits [COTF] default 20.00
01.31.23 Jefe Shawl of Redemption [COTF] default 60.00
01.31.23 Keejor Mace of Dire Straits [COTF] default 1.00
01.31.23 Sugarloaf Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 60.00
01.31.23 Skyfall Cold Steel Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
01.31.23 Dami Cold Steel Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
01.31.23 Harmemme Steel Visor of Malice [COTF] default 40.00
01.31.23 Supertank Steel Visor of Malice [COTF] default 31.00
01.31.23 Dishonor Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 50.00
01.31.23 Dumaz Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 50.00
01.31.23 Setsah Chains of the Forsaken [COTF] default 200.00
01.31.23 Sililx Tunic of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 770.00
01.31.23 Shadowkiller Staff of the First Light [COTF] default 40.00
01.31.23 Mystris Armguards of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 500.00
01.31.23 Takes Solution of Unfreezing Ice [COTF] default 200.00
01.31.23 Pokin Sekrivitax, Kris of the Sol`Dal [COTF] default 1.00
01.31.23 Dami Leggings of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 250.00
01.31.23 Glarex Phoenix Feather Earring [COTF] default 650.00
01.31.23 Setsah Leggings of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 250.00
01.31.23 Twincast Death Scarab Shield [COTF] default 200.00
01.31.23 Tahlmah Advisor's Citrine Band [COTF] default 60.00
01.31.23 Dishonor Royal Vermilion Saber [COTF] default 100.00
01.31.23 Sharsep Advisor's Citrine Band [COTF] default 50.00
01.31.23 Nevil Helm of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 150.00
01.31.23 Nevil Gloves of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 150.00
01.26.23 Dami Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 100.00
01.26.23 Sililx Harmonic Hive Choker [COTF] default 40.00
01.26.23 Harmemme Huntsman's Bloodcharm Necklace [COTF] default 20.00
01.26.23 Sugarloaf Plundered Blue Steelforce Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
01.26.23 Dumaz Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 100.00
01.26.23 Sugarloaf Lampyrid Longbow [COTF] default 1.00
01.26.23 Wits Silk-Lined Mantle [COTF] default 1.00
01.26.23 Sililx Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 70.00
01.26.23 Sililx Ragewoven Pauldrons [COTF] default 1.00
01.26.23 Harmemme Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
01.26.23 Sugarloaf Lampyrid Stiletto [COTF] default 1.00
01.26.23 Ghadius Cristanos' Kiss [COTF] default 1.00
01.26.23 Orsus Cristanos' Kiss [COTF] default 1.00
01.26.23 Harmemme Tunic of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 100.00
01.26.23 Jefe Thexian Girdle of Purified Hatred [COTF] default 40.00
01.26.23 Taldori Thexian Girdle of Purified Hatred [COTF] default 20.00
01.26.23 Sollus Tunic of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 200.00
01.24.23 Glarex Golden Bowl of Thex [COTF] default 1.00
01.24.23 Sililx Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 180.00
01.24.23 Sililx Glimflash Gem [COTF] default 1.00
01.24.23 Sollus Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 200.00
01.24.23 Dami Sansea, the Barbed Dirk [COTF] default 1.00
01.24.23 Bandito Lieutenant's Ornamental Blade [COTF] default 1.00
01.24.23 Mustachio Mud-Crusted Hoop [COTF] default 75.00
01.24.23 Tenu Lieutenant's Ornamental Blade [COTF] default 1.00
01.24.23 Skyfall Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 100.00
01.24.23 Gancho Brilliant Ring of Empty Oaths [COTF] default 1.00
01.24.23 Jefe Deadgem Earring [COTF] default 60.00
01.24.23 Dumaz Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 80.00
01.24.23 Sililx Dirt Stained Band of Twisted Roots [COTF] default 20.00
01.24.23 Jeszi Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
01.24.23 Jeszi Emerald Loop of Salvation [COTF] default 70.00
01.24.23 Sililx Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 100.00
01.24.23 Dishonor Polished Marble of Tenacity [COTF] default 250.00
01.24.23 Barefeet Fragment of Nobility [COTF] default 300.00
01.24.23 Tahlmah Olethros, Runestaff of Calamity [COTF] default 210.00
01.24.23 Wits Shard of Celerity [COTF] default 570.00
01.24.23 Jefe Hoplon of the Tactician [COTF] default 240.00
01.24.23 Gorsis Polished Marble of Tenacity [COTF] default 250.00
01.22.23 Mystris Stare of the Endless Plain [COTF] default 60.00
01.22.23 Nevil Lance of the Bloodfiend [COTF] default 1.00
01.22.23 Jeszi Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
01.22.23 Harmemme Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
01.22.23 Nevil Defender's Brilliant Grey Targe [COTF] default 20.00
01.22.23 Sililx Sturdy Mail Cape [COTF] default 40.00
01.22.23 Dumaz Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
01.22.23 Canaras Cold Steel Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
01.22.23 Lhranc Lance of the Bloodfiend [COTF] default 1.00
01.22.23 Dishonor Scowling Mask [COTF] default 1.00
01.22.23 Grigor Cold Steel Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
01.22.23 Ghadius Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
01.22.23 Wits The Perfect Stout [COTF] default 160.00
01.22.23 Supertank Girdle of the Weaponsmaster [COTF] default 600.00
01.22.23 Kooper Edge of the Void [COTF] default 120.00
01.22.23 Sint Edge of the Void [COTF] default 120.00
01.22.23 Shadowkiller Armguards of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 250.00
01.22.23 Tinston Chains of the Forsaken [COTF] default 200.00
01.22.23 Gorsis Armguards of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 320.00
01.22.23 Dami Sekrivitax, Kris of the Sol`Dal [COTF] default 10.00
01.22.23 Gorsis Leggings of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 300.00
01.22.23 Kooper Kyrenvale, the Sol`Dal's Hammer [COTF] default 60.00
01.22.23 Sugarloaf Jahar's Burning Hoop [COTF] default 20.00
01.22.23 Mrhugs Boots of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 250.00
01.22.23 Jeszi Areial's Fiery Stud [COTF] default 120.00
01.22.23 Harmemme Royal Guardian's Vermilion Saber [COTF] default 100.00
01.22.23 Barefeet Royal Vicar's Ornamental Buckler [COTF] default 350.00
01.22.23 Skyfall Officer's Ornamental Gladius [COTF] default 20.00
01.22.23 Gancho Bracer of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 200.00
01.22.23 Mrhugs Bracer of Flowing Ether [COTF] default 200.00
01.22.23 Barefeet Band of Vile Putrescence [COTF] default 250.00
01.19.23 Nevil Skalil, Broadsword of Silent Turmoil [COTF] default 600.00
01.19.23 Supertank Shard of Celerity [COTF] default 750.00
01.19.23 Tenu Polished Marble of Tenacity [COTF] default 450.00
01.19.23 Shadowkiller Jagged Earring of Potency [COTF] default 1000.00
01.19.23 Skyfall Incursio, Bow of the Iron Storm [COTF] default 200.00
01.19.23 Dumaz Hoplon of the Tactician [COTF] default 600.00
01.19.23 Taldori Fragment of Nobility [COTF] default 500.00
01.19.23 Neckynec Fragment of Nobility [COTF] default 350.00
01.17.23 Glarex Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
01.17.23 Sililx Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
01.17.23 Kickun Eye of Lxanvom [COTF] default 50.00
01.17.23 Supertank Corroded Ear-Hoop [COTF] default 20.00
01.17.23 Sililx Corroded Ear-Hoop [COTF] default 1.00
01.17.23 Glarex Boneshard Earstud [COTF] default 1.00
01.17.23 Skyfall Tracker's Choker of Tranquility [COTF] default 40.00
01.17.23 Gancho Talisman of Encircled Minds [COTF] default 1.00
01.17.23 Grigor Blundered Blue Steelforce Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
01.17.23 Sililx Blundered Blue Steelforce Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
01.17.23 Wits Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 65.00
01.17.23 Sililx Boots of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
01.17.23 Wits Cold Steel Axe [COTF] default 20.00
01.17.23 Nevil Durable Pauldrons [COTF] default 20.00
01.17.23 Glarex Silk-Lined Hood [COTF] default 1.00
01.17.23 Grigor Gloves of Supressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
01.17.23 Skyfall Gloves of Supressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
01.17.23 Wits Lance of the Bloodfiend [COTF] default 40.00
01.17.23 Gancho Rune-Etched Wrap [COTF] default 1.00
01.17.23 Ralas Lionskin Frock [COTF] default 20.00
01.17.23 Sililx Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
01.17.23 Grigor Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 21.00
01.17.23 Supertank Cold Steel Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
01.17.23 Glarex Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
01.17.23 Keejor Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
01.17.23 Takes Steel Visor of Malic [COTF] default 40.00
01.17.23 Seep Stare of the Endless Plain [COTF] default 20.00
01.17.23 disenchanted [COTF] default 0.00
01.15.23 Steel Dragoon's Crusher [COTF] default 40.00
01.15.23 Wits Gossamer Ribbon of Bloodlust [COTF] default 40.00
01.15.23 Kooper Brilliant Dianmond Encrusted Sash [COTF] default 1.00
01.15.23 Mosspaw Tunic of Supressed Ether [COTF] default 60.00
01.15.23 Tahlmah Tunic of Supressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
01.15.23 Tinston Royal Scepter of Thex [COTF] default 40.00
01.15.23 Ghadius Rosestem Whip [COTF] default 1.00
01.15.23 Dishonor Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
01.15.23 Wits Leggings of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 40.00
01.15.23 Taldori Golden Bowl of Thex [COTF] default 20.00
01.15.23 Seep Wand of Wanton Disease [COTF] default 1.00
01.15.23 Taldori Emerald Loop of Salvation [COTF] default 20.00
01.15.23 Seep Dirt Stained Band of Twisted Roots [COTF] default 1.00
01.15.23 Supertank Band of Unquenched Bloodlust [COTF] default 70.00
01.15.23 Keejor Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
01.15.23 Ghadius Armguards of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
01.12.23 Kaith Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Keejor Helm of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
01.12.23 Setsah Eye of Lxanvom [COTF] default 200.00
01.12.23 Nevil Corroded Ear-Hoop [COTF] default 20.00
01.12.23 Gancho Commanding Gaze [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Kooper Bonechime Earring [COTF] default 20.00
01.12.23 Steel Lampyrid Stiletto [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Wits Sturdy Mail Cape [COTF] default 40.00
01.12.23 Wits Steel Visor of Malice [COTF] default 40.00
01.12.23 Dumaz Mace of Dire Straits [COTF] default 20.00
01.12.23 Shadowkiller Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Taldori Mask of the Cyclops [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Kaith Gloves of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Wits Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
01.12.23 Mystris Glimmering Cloak [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Assunder Bramblethorn Pauldrons [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Kooper Cold Steel Wingblade [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Shadowkiller Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Sililx Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 20.00
01.12.23 Gancho Bracer of Suppressed Ether [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Harmemme Cold Steel Axe [COTF] default 1.00
01.12.23 Ghadius Bramblethorn Pauldrons [COTF] default 20.00
... 486 entries found


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