• Wednesday, 9. October 2024 18:41




Date Name Note Value
05.30.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Snahrinus + Extra Snah Boi 25.00
05.30.23 [TDS] T2 If a Snah falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear him Snah, did he still Snah? 25.00
05.30.23 [TDS] T2 Snah Finds Corpses 25.00
05.30.23 [TDS] T2 2 Golems 1 Snah 25.00
05.30.23 [TDS] T1 Captain Snah's Ghost 25.00
05.30.23 [TDS] T1 Defense of Snah 25.00
05.25.23 [TDS] Sexytime 25.00
05.25.23 [TDS] Doing Kamara's Homework 25.00
05.25.23 [TDS] Skyping Jeszi's Mom 25.00
05.25.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Queerinus (we like it) 25.00
05.25.23 [TDS] T2 Extra Boi 25.00
05.25.23 [TDS] T1 Extra Boi 25.00
05.23.23 [TDS] Sexytime 25.00
05.23.23 [TDS] Searching for Dishonor's hot tit 25.00
05.23.23 [TDS] T2 We're in the COPSE boys 25.00
05.23.23 [TDS] T2 UNDED GOT TURNT 25.00
05.23.23 [TDS] T2 Gollums 25.00
05.23.23 [TDS] T1 Deafens of the Shittay 25.00
05.18.23 [TDS] A wild Chad appears... 25.00
05.18.23 [TDS] Honey I Shrunk the Shadowkiller 25.00
05.18.23 [TDS] T3 Calix 25.00
05.18.23 [TDS] T1 Extra Boi 25.00
05.18.23 [TDS] T2 Extra Boi 25.00
05.18.23 [TDS] IT'S SIX OCLOCK 25.00
05.16.23 [TDS] Sexytime 25.00
05.16.23 [TDS] War. For funsies 25.00
05.16.23 [TDS] T2 Cleaning out the backyard 25.00
05.16.23 [TDS] T2 Cleaning out the basement 25.00
05.16.23 [TDS] T2 Cleaning out the library 25.00
05.16.23 [TDS] T1 Defence of the City 25.00
05.11.23 [TDS] Sexytime 25.00
05.11.23 [TDS] Karrah saved the raid, I guess we have to approve the DKP bonus now 25.00
05.11.23 [TDS] LAN party 25.00
05.11.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Quirinus 25.00
05.11.23 [TDS] T2 Extra Boi 25.00
05.11.23 [TDS] T1 Extra Boi 25.00
05.09.23 [TDS] Searching for Snah soundbytes 25.00
05.09.23 [TDS] Quality time with Byun's corpse 25.00
05.09.23 [TDS] T2 Ppl just larping at the park 25.00
05.09.23 [TDS] T2 Boss where I heal for 2hp 25.00
05.09.23 [TDS] T2 Gollums 25.00
05.09.23 [TDS] T1 Defenz 25.00
05.04.23 [TDS] Sexytime 25.00
05.04.23 [TDS] Cleric crisis 25.00
05.04.23 [TDS] Warrior crisis 25.00
05.04.23 [TDS] T3 Cowlicks 25.00
05.04.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Slap Fest 25.00
05.04.23 [TDS] T1 Extra Boi 25.00
05.02.23 [TDS] ARXZZZZ MENTIZZZ 25.00
04.27.23 [TDS] Supertank ninjaloots ornaments 25.00
04.27.23 [TDS] Orsus gets a chubby 25.00
04.27.23 [TDS] Tower of Frozen Loolerskoots 25.00
04.27.23 [TDS] T3 Calix 25.00
04.27.23 [TDS] T2 Extra Boi 25.00
04.27.23 [TDS] T1 Extra Boi 25.00
04.25.23 [TDS] Need more raids pls 25.00
04.25.23 [TDS] Need more raids pls 25.00
04.25.23 [TDS] T2 Principal 3 25.00
04.25.23 [TDS] T2 Principal 2 25.00
04.25.23 [TDS] T2 Principal 1 25.00
04.25.23 [TDS] T1 D Fence 25.00
04.20.23 [TDS] 420 blaze it 25.00
04.20.23 [TDS] PoWar 25.00
04.20.23 [TDS] Go to PoK for reasons 25.00
04.20.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Quirinus 25.00
04.20.23 [TDS] T2 Extra Boi 25.00
04.20.23 [TDS] T1 Extra Boi 25.00
04.18.23 [TDS] Finale 25.00
04.18.23 [TDS] mound thing 25.00
04.18.23 [TDS] Beam Girl 25.00
04.18.23 [TDS] Blobs 25.00
04.18.23 [TDS] T2 25.00
04.18.23 [TDS] T1 25.00
04.13.23 [TDS] Raid Finale 25.00
04.13.23 [TDS] Fun times 25.00
04.13.23 [TDS] Let's raid Mexico instead. 25.00
04.13.23 [TDS] Wish we had more clerics 25.00
04.13.23 [TDS] Next Fight 25.00
04.13.23 [TDS] T idk 25.00
04.11.23 [TDS] We did it! 25.00
04.11.23 [TDS] Tsomething 25.00
04.11.23 [TDS] Miss you officers.. 25.00
04.11.23 [TDS] T2 25.00
04.11.23 [TDS] T2 25.00
04.11.23 [TDS] T1 25.00
04.06.23 [TDS] Sexytime 25.00
04.06.23 [TDS] PoW 25.00
04.06.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Quirinus 25.00
04.06.23 [TDS] T2 Extra Boi 25.00
04.06.23 [TDS] T1 Extra Boi 25.00
04.04.23 [TDS] Lorem Ipsum Dolor 25.00
04.04.23 [TDS] Sexytime 25.00
04.04.23 [TDS] T2 The Lurker Below 25.00
04.04.23 [TDS] T2 Ooze chase scene 25.00
04.04.23 [TDS] T2 Golems n Books 25.00
04.04.23 [TDS] T1 D Fence D Fence 25.00
03.30.23 [TDS] Sexytime 25.00
03.30.23 [TDS] Byun also sleepy boi 25.00
03.30.23 [TDS] Sleepytime for Orsus 25.00
03.30.23 [TDS] Kyle, because beating up a Kyle is always the right course of action 25.00
03.30.23 [TDS] T2 Extra Boi 25.00
03.30.23 [TDS] T1 Extra Boi 25.00
03.28.23 [TDS] Goot jorb, we get a 2 minute break 25.00
03.28.23 [TDS] T3 Calix Quirinus 25.00
03.28.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Indagatrix Lucia 25.00
03.28.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Vicarum Nomia 25.00
03.28.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Quastori Numicia 25.00
03.28.23 [TDS] T1 Defence of the City 25.00
03.23.23 [TDS] zzzzzz 25.00
03.23.23 [TDS] Luring Zevron and Roamer back 25.00
03.23.23 [TDS] Entering DKP 25.00
03.23.23 [TDS] Sexytime 25.00
03.23.23 [TDS] Kyle, because he deserves it 25.00
03.23.23 [TDS] PoWar 25.00
03.21.23 [TDS] Hurry up and wait 25.00
03.21.23 [TDS] Well that was something 25.00
03.21.23 [TDS] Now what 25.00
03.21.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Indagatrix Lucia 25.00
03.21.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Indagatrix Lucia 25.00
03.21.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Indagatrix Lucia 25.00
03.19.23 [TDS] Job well done! 25.00
03.19.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Vicarum Omnomnom 25.00
03.19.23 [TDS] T2 Extra Boi 25.00
03.19.23 [TDS] T2 Principal Quasimodo 25.00
03.19.23 [TDS] T1 Extra Boi 25.00
03.19.23 [TDS] T1 D Fence 25.00
03.14.23 [TDS] Double Sexytime 25.00
03.14.23 [TDS] Sexytime 25.00
03.14.23 [TDS] Kyle for the Pointz 25.00
03.14.23 [TDS] PoW ezmode 25.00
03.12.23 [TDS] Sexytime 25.00
03.12.23 [TDS] Have fun storming the castle! 25.00
03.12.23 [TDS] T1 Extra Boi 25.00
03.12.23 [TDS] T1 Defence of the City 25.00
03.09.23 [TDS] Prog + Levelling 25.00
03.09.23 [TDS] Prog + Levelling 25.00
03.09.23 [TDS] Prog + Levelling 25.00
03.09.23 [TDS] Prog + Levelling 25.00
... 144 entries found


Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
05.30.23 Nevil Umeria Vis [TDS] default 300.00
05.30.23 Harmemme Hastaduria [TDS] default 100.00
05.30.23 Jetfuel Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Ralas Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Brutail Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Jetfuel Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Jetfuel Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Jetfuel Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Quickfist Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 250.00
05.30.23 Skyfall Arx Mentis Plate Chest Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.30.23 Sugarloaf Amiculua Vis [TDS] default 100.00
05.30.23 Battetoad Parogressio [TDS] default 220.00
05.30.23 Brutail Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Jetfuel Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Quickfist Locus Anulium [TDS] default 300.00
05.30.23 Sugarloaf Leatum [TDS] default 1.00
05.30.23 Skyfall Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Battetoad Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Hype Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.30.23 Sneh Faclutictus [TDS] default 1.00
05.30.23 Battetoad Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 60.00
05.30.23 Shatmo Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 200.00
05.30.23 Seep Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 100.00
05.30.23 Kerivek Arx Mentis Cloth Robe Ornament [TDS] default 150.00
05.30.23 Battetoad Magna Fulgia [TDS] default 100.00
05.30.23 Orsus Unguisio Lumbius [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Sugarloaf Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Battetoad Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Sugarloaf Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Sneh Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Subster Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.30.23 Sint Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 222.00
05.30.23 Orsus Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Quickfist Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 240.00
05.30.23 Lumene Collio Fortitias [TDS] default 150.00
05.30.23 Keejor Arx Mentis Leather Arms Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Dumaz Gavel of the August [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Tinston Obexa Magicae [TDS] default 200.00
05.30.23 Wits Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Ralas Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Dumaz Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Subster Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Dumaz Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Ralas Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Orsus Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Grigor Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 200.00
05.30.23 Mrhugs Arx Mentis Cloth Robe Ornament [TDS] default 200.00
05.30.23 Sugarloaf Anulia Kaerus [TDS] default 300.00
05.30.23 Hype Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Shatmo Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Glarex Libre Vitalia [TDS] default 250.00
05.30.23 Glarex Ira Facius [TDS] default 100.00
05.30.23 Harmemme Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Bakaf Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Wits Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Lhranc Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Shatmo Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 250.00
05.30.23 Bakaf Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 200.00
05.30.23 Orsus Arx Mentis Cloth Hands Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.30.23 Solariss Sicarria Auctus [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Shatmo Repentia [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Ralas Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Subster Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.30.23 Subster Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Subster Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Ralas Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Wits Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 200.00
05.30.23 Shatmo Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 275.00
05.30.23 Bandito Collio Serpentia [TDS] default 100.00
05.30.23 Skyfall Arx Mentis Plate Feet Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.30.23 Sneh Transfigerea [TDS] default 1.00
05.30.23 Mrhugs Vitali Claw [TDS] default 150.00
05.30.23 Bakaf Sicarria Auctus [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Subster Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.30.23 Lhranc Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Ralas Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Syncope Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Lhranc Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Shatmo Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Quickfist Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 190.00
05.30.23 Grigor Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 200.00
05.30.23 Dumaz Arx Mentis Chain Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.25.23 Bakaf Umeria Memorias [TDS] default 40.00
05.25.23 Lhranc Hastaduria [TDS] default 40.00
05.25.23 Harmemme Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.25.23 Bandito Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.25.23 Lhranc Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.25.23 Bigg Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.25.23 Nevil Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.25.23 Takes Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.25.23 Bandito Faclutictus [TDS] default 1.00
05.25.23 Keejor Darkwater Tunic [TDS] default 100.00
05.25.23 Orsus Arx Mentis Cloth Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.25.23 Glarex Amiculua Magio [TDS] default 250.00
05.25.23 Bakaf Darkwater Tunic [TDS] default 250.00
05.25.23 Hype Usasium [TDS] default 300.00
05.25.23 Pummol Tornacius [TDS] default 1.00
05.25.23 Lumene Obexa Animus [TDS] default 200.00
05.25.23 Barefeet Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.25.23 Mystris Magio Collium [TDS] default 200.00
05.25.23 Nevil Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 400.00
05.25.23 disenchanted Arx Mentis Plate Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 0.00
05.25.23 Lhranc Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.25.23 Harmemme Mask of the Praetorum [TDS] default 200.00
05.25.23 Hype Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.25.23 Hype Tita's Incapacitating Cincture [TDS] default 250.00
05.25.23 Mosspaw Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 500.00
05.25.23 Lhranc Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.25.23 Lhranc Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.25.23 Subster Gavel of the August [TDS] default 1.00
05.25.23 Subster Amiculua Noceis [TDS] default 1.00
05.25.23 Orsus Arx Mentis Cloth Helm Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.23.23 Subster Memorias Collium [TDS] default 200.00
05.23.23 Mystris Magna Fulgia [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Syncope Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.23.23 Nevil Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 25.00
05.23.23 Keejor Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Mystris Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Skyfall Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Mystris Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Subster Fortitias Lumbius [TDS] default 500.00
05.23.23 Bigg Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 600.00
05.23.23 Nevil Darkwater Boots [TDS] default 550.00
05.23.23 Skyfall Arx Mentis Plate Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.23.23 Harmemme Usasium [TDS] default 60.00
05.23.23 Quev Scindio [TDS] default 1.00
05.23.23 Sugarloaf Scindio [TDS] default 70.00
05.23.23 Sharsep Obexa Magicae [TDS] default 100.00
05.23.23 Barefeet Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Keejor Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Dishonor Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Syncope Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Bigg Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.23.23 Lhranc Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.23.23 Skyfall Arx Mentis Plate Arms Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.23.23 Quev Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 500.00
05.23.23 Dumaz Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.23.23 Bakaf Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Nevil Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Dumaz Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Sugarloaf Lamna Felicis [TDS] default 100.00
05.23.23 Lhranc Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.23.23 Subster Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.23.23 Harmemme Farrum Ventus [TDS] default 70.00
05.23.23 Bandito Facia Ortiatum [TDS] default 300.00
05.23.23 Harmemme Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 160.00
05.23.23 Setsah Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 400.00
05.23.23 Nevil Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 500.00
05.23.23 Orsus Arx Mentis Leather Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Sililx Praetor's Ledalus Stud [TDS] default 220.00
05.23.23 Shatmo Sledge of the Indagatorum [TDS] default 20.00
05.23.23 Dumaz Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.23.23 Syncope Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.23.23 Syncope Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.23.23 Nevil Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 25.00
05.23.23 Nevil Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 400.00
05.23.23 Ralas Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.23.23 Harmemme Arx Mentis Chain Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.23.23 Gorsis Incidiorex [TDS] default 1.00
05.23.23 Lhranc Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.18.23 Glarex Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.18.23 Glarex Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.18.23 Glarex Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.18.23 Sugarloaf Umeria Fortitas [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Nevil Hastaduria [TDS] default 50.00
05.18.23 Orsus Vifensa [TDS] default 1.00
05.18.23 Mystris Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.18.23 Jeszi Statuae Clipium [TDS] default 250.00
05.18.23 Bigg Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.18.23 Barefeet Parogressio [TDS] default 500.00
05.18.23 Harmemme Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.18.23 Bigg Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 500.00
05.18.23 Barefeet Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Lumene Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 500.00
05.18.23 Lhranc Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Mrhugs Arx Mentis Leather Helm Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Lhranc Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Lhranc Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Bakaf Amiculua Humas [TDS] default 250.00
05.18.23 Bandito Aduroacer [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Jeszi Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Lhranc Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Supertank Frendia [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Nevil Darkwater Tunic [TDS] default 500.00
05.18.23 Dami Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 500.00
05.18.23 Seep Parogressio [TDS] default 600.00
05.18.23 Keejor Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Lhranc Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Orsus Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Ralas Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 500.00
05.18.23 Ralas Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Skyfall Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.18.23 Tinston Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 600.00
05.18.23 Seep Bestia Responsa [TDS] default 1.00
05.18.23 Harmemme Arx Mentis Chain Helm Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
05.18.23 Skyfall Arx Mentis Plate Legs Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.16.23 Nevil Shard of Celerity [TDS] default 100.00
05.16.23 Quickfist Shard of Celerity [TDS] default 320.00
05.16.23 Takes Thrymm the Annihilator [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Quev Bloodied Stone of Might [TDS] default 40.00
05.16.23 Bandito Meros, Trident of Divided Loyalties [TDS] default 1.00
05.16.23 Sugarloaf Shard of Celerity [TDS] default 300.00
05.16.23 Sugarloaf Burning Brand of War [TDS] default 1.00
05.16.23 Ralas Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Brutail Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 25.00
05.16.23 Lhranc Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.16.23 Sugarloaf Lumbia Memorias [TDS] default 100.00
05.16.23 Lhranc Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.16.23 Syncope Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.16.23 Lhranc Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.16.23 Canaras Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 550.00
05.16.23 Neckynec Darkwater Boots [TDS] default 500.00
05.16.23 Quickfist Collio Umbraculo [TDS] default 40.00
05.16.23 Nevil Arx Mentis Plate Chest Ornament [TDS] default 120.00
05.16.23 Sugarloaf Tornacius [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Sililx Scindio [TDS] default 40.00
05.16.23 Takes Obexa Primia [TDS] default 250.00
05.16.23 Jeszi Obexa Animus [TDS] default 350.00
05.16.23 Setsah Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Nevil Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Kaith Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.16.23 Keejor Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.16.23 Tahlmah Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.16.23 Takes Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 75.00
05.16.23 Bakaf Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 300.00
05.16.23 Kooper Arx Mentis Plate Arms Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.16.23 Hype Rosi Auriun [TDS] default 250.00
05.16.23 Takes Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Lhranc Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.16.23 Syncope Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.16.23 Kickun Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Nevil Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Syncope Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 80.00
05.16.23 Lhranc Farrum Ventus [TDS] default 40.00
05.16.23 Sugarloaf Facia Ortiatum [TDS] default 400.00
05.16.23 Takes Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 550.00
05.16.23 Supertank Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 550.00
05.16.23 Orsus Arx Mentis Cloth Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.16.23 Tinston Vitali Claw [TDS] default 200.00
05.16.23 Brutail Sledge of the Indagatorum [TDS] default 1.00
05.16.23 Mystris Sicarria Auctus [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Lhranc Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Gancho Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Tinston Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Lumene Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Tahlmah Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Orsus Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Quickfist Furio Aurio [TDS] default 40.00
05.16.23 Bakaf Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 300.00
05.16.23 Nevil Arx Mentis Plate Arms Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
05.11.23 Grigor Serpentis Umerium [TDS] default 400.00
05.11.23 Wits Hastaduria [TDS] default 500.00
05.11.23 Lhranc Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.11.23 Orsus Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.11.23 Bakaf Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.11.23 Gancho Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.11.23 Taldori Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.11.23 Sharsep Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.11.23 Harmemme Arx Mentis Chain Feet Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.11.23 Syncope Amiculua Humas [TDS] default 350.00
05.11.23 Quev Tita's Incapacitating Cincture [TDS] default 1.00
05.11.23 Keejor Obexa Animus [TDS] default 500.00
05.11.23 Sharsep Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.11.23 Bakaf Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.11.23 Nevil Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.11.23 Lhranc Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.11.23 Bakaf Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.11.23 Nevil Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.11.23 Clinchur Gavel of the August [TDS] default 69.00
05.11.23 Sililx Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 400.00
05.11.23 Orsus Arx Mentis Leather Arms Ornament [TDS] default 40.00
05.11.23 Kickun Amiculua Serpentia [TDS] default 350.00
05.11.23 Wits Repentia [TDS] default 140.00
05.11.23 Nevil Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.11.23 Battetoad Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.11.23 Orsus Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.11.23 Filthy Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.11.23 Sugarloaf Frendia [TDS] default 85.00
05.11.23 Tinston Darkwater Boots [TDS] default 600.00
05.11.23 Supertank Collio Scribia [TDS] default 250.00
05.11.23 Subster Arx Mentis Plate Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.09.23 Grigor Repentia [TDS] default 300.00
05.09.23 Shadowkiller Magna Fulgia [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Nevil Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Nevil Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Battetoad Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Nevil Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Nevil Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Battetoad Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.09.23 Dumaz Fortitias Lumbius [TDS] default 500.00
05.09.23 Sililx Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 500.00
05.09.23 Jeszi Collio Fortitias [TDS] default 320.00
05.09.23 Ralas Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 500.00
05.09.23 Skyfall Arx Mentis Chain Hands Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.09.23 Mosspaw Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
05.09.23 Nevil Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Takes Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Takes Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Orsus Arx Mentis Leather Hands Ornament [TDS] default 40.00
05.09.23 Skyfall Tornacius [TDS] default 1.00
05.09.23 Canaras Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.09.23 Nevil Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 500.00
05.09.23 Kerivek Anulia Gelu [TDS] default 450.00
05.09.23 Nevil Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Dami Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 520.00
05.09.23 Kerivek Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Tahlmah Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Takes Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Tahlmah Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Tahlmah Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Ralas Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
05.09.23 Ralas Praedatora Facius [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Takes Farrum Ventus [TDS] default 140.00
05.09.23 Supertank Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 400.00
05.09.23 Ralas Animio Negris [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Dami Arx Mentis Chain Feet Ornament [TDS] default 5.00
05.09.23 Mosspaw Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.09.23 Orsus Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Keejor Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Brutail Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Tahlmah Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Sharsep Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Ralas Sledge of the Indagatorum [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Neckynec Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 400.00
05.09.23 Kickun Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 450.00
05.09.23 Quickfist Aurio Silensio [TDS] default 1.00
05.09.23 Nevil Arcus Eminus [TDS] default 50.00
05.09.23 Tahlmah Arx Mentis Cloth Hands Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.04.23 Jilcey Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
05.04.23 Ralas Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
05.04.23 Tinston Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
05.04.23 Brutail Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 120.00
05.04.23 Brutail Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 120.00
05.04.23 Quev Unguisio Umerium [TDS] default 1.00
05.04.23 Quickfist Pugnoriu [TDS] default 1.00
05.04.23 Dishonor Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.04.23 Kooper Faclutictus [TDS] default 100.00
05.04.23 Lhranc Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 40.00
05.04.23 Ralas Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 500.00
05.04.23 Nevil Arx Mentis Plate Legs Ornament [TDS] default 60.00
05.04.23 Mystris Amiculua Magio [TDS] default 600.00
05.04.23 Gancho Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.04.23 Bakaf Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.04.23 Takes Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.04.23 Filthy Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.04.23 Pokin Unguisio Lumbius [TDS] default 50.00
05.04.23 Bandito Proculias [TDS] default 1.00
05.04.23 Orsus Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.04.23 Bakaf Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.04.23 Dishonor Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 400.00
05.04.23 Brutail Darkwater Boots [TDS] default 600.00
05.04.23 Pokin Collio Umbraculo [TDS] default 120.00
05.04.23 Nevil Arx Mentis Plate Hands Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
05.04.23 Bakaf Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.04.23 Filthy Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.04.23 Ralas Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.04.23 Filthy Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.04.23 Hype Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.04.23 Neckynec Venenium [TDS] default 1000.00
05.04.23 Setsah Lamna Felicis [TDS] default 100.00
05.04.23 Bigg Hastaduria [TDS] default 300.00
05.04.23 Sint Furio Aurio [TDS] default 200.00
05.04.23 Setsah Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 60.00
05.04.23 Ralas Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 500.00
05.04.23 Gorsis Darkwater Boots [TDS] default 520.00
05.04.23 Supertank Arx Mentis Plate Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 50.00
05.02.23 Tahlmah Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.02.23 Quickfist Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Tinston Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Quickfist Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Dumaz Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
05.02.23 Filthy Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Battetoad Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Kickun Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Sharsep Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.02.23 Kickun Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Gancho Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.02.23 Filthy Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Harmemme Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
05.02.23 Bakaf Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.02.23 Tinston Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Setsah Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Kaith Tornacius [TDS] default 20.00
05.02.23 Battetoad Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Brutail Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.02.23 Nevil Usasium [TDS] default 500.00
05.02.23 Lumene Statuae Clipium [TDS] default 500.00
05.02.23 Bandito Incidiorex [TDS] default 100.00
05.02.23 Jilcey Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.02.23 Gorsis Mask of the Praetorum [TDS] default 450.00
05.02.23 Skyfall Scindio [TDS] default 20.00
05.02.23 Filthy Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.02.23 Setsah Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 60.00
05.02.23 Gorsis Festinata Lemmai [TDS] default 20.00
05.02.23 Brutail Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 500.00
05.02.23 Glarex Parogressio [TDS] default 700.00
05.02.23 Neckynec Earring of Morbus [TDS] default 400.00
05.02.23 Dishonor Farrum Ventus [TDS] default 250.00
05.02.23 Brutail Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 500.00
05.02.23 Hype Facia Vitala [TDS] default 500.00
05.02.23 Barefeet Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 800.00
05.02.23 Lhranc Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Lhranc Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 40.00
05.02.23 Nevil Obexa Primia [TDS] default 600.00
05.02.23 Gorsis Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 420.00
05.02.23 Dishonor Arcus Eminus [TDS] default 200.00
05.02.23 Supertank Darkwater Boots [TDS] default 500.00
05.02.23 Supertank Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 400.00
05.02.23 Brutail Arx Mentis Chain Arms Ornament [TDS] default 99.00
05.02.23 Kerivek Arx Mentis Leather Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 50.00
05.02.23 Mystris Anulia Gelu [TDS] default 500.00
05.02.23 Orsus Arx Mentis Leather Helm Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
05.02.23 Kooper Arx Mentis Plate Hands Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
04.27.23 Brutail Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 350.00
04.27.23 Supertank Darkwater Tunic [TDS] default 1000.00
04.27.23 Taldori Umeria Fortitas [TDS] default 100.00
04.27.23 Keejor Arx Mentis Leather Helm Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
04.27.23 Filthy Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 370.00
04.27.23 Lhranc Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 40.00
04.27.23 Skyfall Aduroacer [TDS] default 20.00
04.27.23 Quickfist Amiculua Scribia [TDS] default 220.00
04.27.23 Kickun Pugnoriu [TDS] default 1.00
04.27.23 Brutail Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 350.00
04.27.23 Tinston Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.27.23 Ralas Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.27.23 Kerivek Umeria Magius [TDS] default 250.00
04.27.23 Supertank Faculta Primia [TDS] default 20.00
04.27.23 Gorsis Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 520.00
04.27.23 Ralas Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
04.27.23 Setsah Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.27.23 Dumaz Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.27.23 Filthy Parogressio [TDS] default 1000.00
04.27.23 Kickun Exigio [TDS] default 700.00
04.27.23 Supertank Arx Mentis Plate Feet Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
04.27.23 Keejor Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.27.23 Mosspaw Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.27.23 Gancho Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.27.23 Setsah Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 60.00
04.27.23 Neckynec Collio Humas [TDS] default 300.00
04.27.23 Battetoad Arx Mentis Leather Arms Ornament [TDS] default 40.00
04.27.23 Setsah Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.27.23 Bigg Usasium [TDS] default 1000.00
04.27.23 Supertank Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 600.00
04.27.23 Dumaz Amiculua Humas [TDS] default 200.00
04.25.23 Ralas Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.25.23 Barefeet Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Battetoad Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Subster Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.25.23 Kaith Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Filthy Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Canaras Proculias [TDS] default 20.00
04.25.23 Setsah Lumbia Serpentia [TDS] default 20.00
04.25.23 Neckynec Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 500.00
04.25.23 Sint Collio Serpentia [TDS] default 500.00
04.25.23 Kooper Arx Mentis Plate Chest Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
04.25.23 Keejor Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.25.23 Jeszi Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.25.23 Sharsep Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.25.23 Bandito Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.25.23 Quickfist Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Kaith Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Dami Tornacius [TDS] default 69.00
04.25.23 Subster Scindio [TDS] default 200.00
04.25.23 Kooper Locus Anulium [TDS] default 550.00
04.25.23 Dumaz Letum Anulium [TDS] default 500.00
04.25.23 Quev Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 700.00
04.25.23 Supertank Arx Mentis Plate Hands Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
04.25.23 Dumaz Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.25.23 Mosspaw Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.25.23 Bakaf Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Battetoad Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Hype Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Barefeet Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.25.23 Hype Mactabli [TDS] default 100.00
04.25.23 Jetfuel Facia Ingens [TDS] default 500.00
04.25.23 Lumene Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 600.00
04.25.23 Lhranc Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Barefeet Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 600.00
04.25.23 Brutail Clipi Stella [TDS] default 400.00
04.25.23 Tahlmah Arx Mentis Cloth Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
04.25.23 Mosspaw Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Gancho Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Kaith Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Skyfall Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Canaras Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.25.23 Sugarloaf Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.25.23 Mystris Vitai Solacium [TDS] default 400.00
04.25.23 Supertank Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 500.00
04.25.23 Lumene Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 500.00
04.25.23 Filthy Sicarria Auctus [TDS] default 220.00
04.25.23 Supertank Arx Mentis Plate Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
04.20.23 Quev Meros, Trident of Divided Loyalties [TDS] default 1.00
04.20.23 Orsus Eagle's Claw [TDS] default 1.00
04.20.23 Shadowkiller Necklace of the Cycle [TDS] default 1.00
04.20.23 Quev Skalil, Broadsword of Silent Turmoil [TDS] default 20.00
04.20.23 Quickfist Rune of Incursion [TDS] default 1.00
04.20.23 Syncope Polished Marble of Tenacity [TDS] default 60.00
04.20.23 Clinchur Polished Marble of Tenacity [TDS] default 69.00
04.20.23 Dami Shard of Celerity [TDS] default 420.00
04.20.23 Barefeet Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 140.00
04.20.23 Sint Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 120.00
04.20.23 Tinston Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 120.00
04.20.23 Skyfall Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 120.00
04.20.23 Subster Umeria Memorias [TDS] default 250.00
04.20.23 Orsus Pugnoriu [TDS] default 20.00
04.20.23 Filthy Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.20.23 Lhranc Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 40.00
04.20.23 Lhranc Darkwater Tunic [TDS] default 600.00
04.20.23 Barefeet Arx Mentis Leather Helm Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
04.20.23 Skyfall Amiculua Scribia [TDS] default 200.00
04.20.23 Dishonor Repentia [TDS] default 50.00
04.20.23 Mosspaw Vifensa [TDS] default 1.00
04.20.23 Kooper Carmenius Faultus [TDS] default 300.00
04.20.23 Gancho Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.20.23 Gancho Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.20.23 Jeszi Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.20.23 Mosspaw Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.20.23 Kaith Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.20.23 Mrhugs Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.20.23 Brutail Darkwater Tunic [TDS] default 800.00
04.20.23 Brutail Arx Mentis Chain Feet Ornament [TDS] default 100.00
04.20.23 Hype Amiculua Umbraculo [TDS] default 325.00
04.20.23 Canaras Aduroacer [TDS] default 80.00
04.20.23 Canaras Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.20.23 Gancho Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.20.23 Sharsep Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.20.23 Kaith Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.20.23 Sharsep Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.20.23 Brutail Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.20.23 Kickun Repentia [TDS] default 500.00
04.20.23 Supertank Leatum [TDS] default 1.00
04.20.23 Skyfall Earring of the August [TDS] default 400.00
04.20.23 Bigg Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 450.00
04.20.23 Shadowkiller Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 620.00
04.20.23 Barefeet Arx Mentis Leather Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 40.00
04.20.23 Gancho Amiculua Magio [TDS] default 100.00
04.18.23 Filthy Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.18.23 Gancho Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.18.23 Sharsep Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
04.18.23 Gancho Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.18.23 Barefeet Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.18.23 Skyfall Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
04.18.23 Glarex Magna Fulgia [TDS] default 20.00
04.18.23 Subster Umbraculis Lumbius [TDS] default 400.00
04.18.23 Gancho Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 390.00
04.18.23 Sharsep Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 40.00
04.18.23 Grigor Collio Unguisis [TDS] default 1.00
04.18.23 Tinston Arx Mentis Cloth Robe Ornament [TDS] default 200.00
04.18.23 Takes Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.18.23 Brutail Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
04.18.23 Wits Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.18.23 Dumaz Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.18.23 Wits Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.18.23 Brutail Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
04.18.23 Inigo Tornacius [TDS] default 20.00
04.18.23 Clinchur Letum Anulium [TDS] default 500.00
04.18.23 Grigor Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 900.00
04.18.23 Kerivek Arx Mentis Cloth Chest Ornament [TDS] default 50.00
04.18.23 Zombieslicer Anulia Lingium [TDS] default 560.00
04.18.23 Tahlmah Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.18.23 Gancho Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.18.23 Gancho Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
04.18.23 Tahlmah Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 120.00
04.18.23 Dumaz Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
04.18.23 Harmemme Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
04.18.23 Skyfall Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
04.18.23 Quickfist Rosi Auriun [TDS] default 80.00
04.18.23 Kooper Mactabli [TDS] default 1.00
04.18.23 Clinchur Facia Ingens [TDS] default 500.00
04.18.23 Tenu Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 410.00
04.18.23 Quev Arx Mentis Chain legs Ornament [TDS] default 40.00
04.18.23 Neckynec Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 400.00
04.18.23 Gorsis Transfigerea [TDS] default 20.00
04.18.23 Jetfuel Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.18.23 Skyfall Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.18.23 Jetfuel Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.18.23 Dumaz Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.18.23 Jetfuel Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.18.23 Subster Menscurvaura [TDS] default 250.00
04.18.23 Quev Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 400.00
04.18.23 Mrhugs Arx Mentis Cloth Helm Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
04.13.23 Gorsis Transfigerea [TDS] default 20.00
04.13.23 Takes Tita's Incapacitating Cincture [TDS] default 1100.00
04.13.23 Pokin Facia Vitala [TDS] default 450.00
04.13.23 Jetfuel Obexa Animus [TDS] default 600.00
04.13.23 Sharsep Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 40.00
04.13.23 Tenu Darkwater Tunic [TDS] default 850.00
04.13.23 Keejor Arx Mentis Leather Feet Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
04.13.23 Quickfist Venenium [TDS] default 900.00
04.13.23 Ralas Gavel of the August [TDS] default 20.00
04.13.23 Skyfall Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 720.00
04.13.23 Zombieslicer Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 420.00
04.13.23 Takes Collio Vis [TDS] default 650.00
04.13.23 Kerivek Arx Mentis Cloth Arms Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
04.11.23 Canaras Lumbia Serpentia [TDS] default 400.00
04.11.23 Mystris Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 1200.00
04.11.23 Takes Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 450.00
04.11.23 Kickun Collio Umbraculo [TDS] default 300.00
04.11.23 Lhranc Arx Mentis Plate Chest Ornament [TDS] default 40.00
04.11.23 Skyfall Tornacius [TDS] default 270.00
04.11.23 Sharsep Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 40.00
04.11.23 Brutail Arx Mentis Chain Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
04.11.23 Gorsis Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 420.00
04.11.23 Mosspaw Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 400.00
04.11.23 Gancho Anulia Auguriis [TDS] default 150.00
04.11.23 Gancho Replacant [TDS] default 40.00
04.11.23 Grigor Mask of the Praetorum [TDS] default 700.00
04.11.23 Quev Farrum Ventus [TDS] default 400.00
04.11.23 Tinston Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 400.00
04.11.23 Brutail Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 400.00
04.11.23 Lhranc Arx Mentis Plate Wrist [TDS] default 1.00
04.11.23 Tahlmah Transfigerea [TDS] default 20.00
04.11.23 Gorsis Tita's Incapacitating Cincture [TDS] default 750.00
04.11.23 Seep Siccaria Auctus [TDS] default 125.00
04.11.23 Harmemme Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 100.00
04.11.23 Tahlmah Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 400.00
04.11.23 Tinston Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 400.00
04.11.23 Tenu Aragus Tactics [TDS] default 300.00
04.11.23 Tahlmah Arx Mentis Cloth Helm Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
04.06.23 Sililx Usasium [TDS] default 863.00
04.06.23 Sharsep Sicarria Auctus [TDS] default 100.00
04.06.23 Glarex Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.06.23 Ghadius Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.06.23 Ghadius Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 80.00
04.06.23 Neckynec Humis Umerium [TDS] default 300.00
04.06.23 Glarex Necklace of the Cycle [TDS] default 40.00
04.06.23 Dishonor Hastaduria [TDS] default 300.00
04.06.23 Sugarloaf Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 950.00
04.06.23 Shatmo Katargo, Star of Abrogation [TDS] default 25.00
04.06.23 Gancho Fragment of Nobility [TDS] default 190.00
04.06.23 Keejor Darkwater Boots [TDS] default 450.00
04.06.23 Barefeet Arx Mentis Leather Feet Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
04.06.23 Sharsep Fragment of Nobility [TDS] default 200.00
04.06.23 Mystris Fragment of Nobility [TDS] default 300.00
04.06.23 Gancho Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 30.00
04.06.23 Subster Bonebraided Hoop [TDS] default 50.00
04.06.23 Sharsep Parogressio [TDS] default 800.00
04.06.23 Sililx Mask of Praetorum [TDS] default 650.00
04.06.23 Dami Bloodied Stone of Might [TDS] default 1.00
04.06.23 Grigor Leatum [TDS] default 1.00
04.06.23 Tinston Umeria Memorias [TDS] default 200.00
04.06.23 Pokin Bestia Responsa [TDS] default 120.00
04.06.23 Ghadius Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.06.23 Sint Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 70.00
04.06.23 Tinston Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.06.23 Sugarloaf Faclutictus [TDS] default 250.00
04.06.23 Glarex Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.06.23 Glarex Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.06.23 Filthy Darkwater Tunic [TDS] default 1900.00
04.06.23 Keejor Nitora [TDS] default 700.00
04.06.23 Canaras Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 450.00
04.06.23 Neckynec Amiculua Humas [TDS] default 300.00
04.06.23 Brutail Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 400.00
04.06.23 Dumaz Arx Mentis Plate Legs Ornament [TDS] default 100.00
04.06.23 Tinston Arx Mentis Cloth Helm Ornament [TDS] default 40.00
04.04.23 Lumene Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
04.04.23 Wits Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 80.00
04.04.23 Brutail Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 80.00
04.04.23 Barefeet Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.04.23 Tahlmah Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.04.23 Ralas Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.04.23 Skyfall Proculias [TDS] default 320.00
04.04.23 Neckynec Lumbia Humas [TDS] default 400.00
04.04.23 Gorsis Leatum [TDS] default 1.00
04.04.23 Takes Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 450.00
04.04.23 Dumaz Collio Fortitias [TDS] default 600.00
04.04.23 Dami Arx Mentis Chain Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 69.00
04.04.23 Keejor Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 30.00
04.04.23 Sint Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 47.00
04.04.23 Tinston Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.04.23 Tinston Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.04.23 Gancho Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.04.23 Ghadius Vifensa [TDS] default 100.00
04.04.23 Tinston Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 700.00
04.04.23 Harmemme Faculta Primia [TDS] default 1.00
04.04.23 Takes Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 600.00
04.04.23 Dami Arx Mentis Chain Chest Ornament [TDS] default 100.00
04.04.23 Jeszi Anulia Vicarum [TDS] default 200.00
04.04.23 Ghadius Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.04.23 Tinston Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.04.23 Brutail Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.04.23 Tahlmah Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.04.23 Tahlmah Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.04.23 Sharsep Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 80.00
04.04.23 Filthy Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 860.00
04.04.23 Nevil Farrum Ventus [TDS] default 200.00
04.04.23 Zombieslicer Ira Facius [TDS] default 220.00
04.04.23 Tahlmah Arx Mentis Cloth Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
04.04.23 Zombieslicer Animio Negris [TDS] default 100.00
04.04.23 Ghadius Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.04.23 Canaras Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.04.23 Mosspaw Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
04.04.23 Hype Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.04.23 Dumaz Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.04.23 Harmemme Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.04.23 Gorsis Transfigerea [TDS] default 20.00
04.04.23 Subster Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 400.00
04.04.23 Shadowkiller Os Avus [TDS] default 1120.00
04.04.23 Dami Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 350.00
04.04.23 Setsah Aurio Silensio [TDS] default 60.00
04.04.23 Tahlmah Arx Mentis Cloth Feet Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
03.30.23 Ralas Royal Vicar's Ornamental Buckler [TDS] default 50.00
03.30.23 Mystris Brilliant Sorcerer's Anelace [TDS] default 1.00
03.30.23 Zombieslicer Visor of the Stone Scowl [TDS] default 100.00
03.30.23 Quickfist Bracer of Flowing Ether [TDS] default 1.00
03.30.23 Bakaf Bracer of Flowing Ether [TDS] default 20.00
03.30.23 Sugarloaf Proculias [TDS] default 300.00
03.30.23 Wits Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
03.30.23 Skyfall Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
03.30.23 Wits Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
03.30.23 Quickfist Repentia [TDS] default 1000.00
03.30.23 Wits Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 220.00
03.30.23 Dami Arx Mentis Chain legs Ornament [TDS] default 75.00
03.30.23 Tenu Praetor's Ledalus Stud [TDS] default 750.00
03.30.23 Gorsis Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 200.00
03.30.23 Jetfuel Amiculua Humas [TDS] default 420.00
03.30.23 Gancho Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
03.30.23 Kaith Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
03.30.23 Keejor Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
03.30.23 Kickun Venenium [TDS] default 750.00
03.30.23 Jetfuel Sledge of the Indagatorum [TDS] default 20.00
03.30.23 Harmemme Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 100.00
03.30.23 Takes Darkwater Boots [TDS] default 550.00
03.30.23 Jeszi Curatia Facius [TDS] default 300.00
03.30.23 Kerivek Arx Mentis Leather Hands Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
03.28.23 Keejor Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 120.00
03.28.23 Mrhugs Venenium [TDS] default 600.00
03.28.23 Kickun Serpentis Umerium [TDS] default 400.00
03.28.23 Sint Faclutictus [TDS] default 400.00
03.28.23 Sharsep Darkwater Tunic [TDS] default 1200.00
03.28.23 Grigor Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 500.00
03.28.23 Kerivek Arx Mentis Cloth Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
03.28.23 Subster Amiculua Unguisis [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Skyfall Aduroacer [TDS] default 200.00
03.28.23 Gancho Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
03.28.23 Barefeet Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
03.28.23 Kooper Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
03.28.23 Setsah Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
03.28.23 Tahlmah Magna Fulgia [TDS] default 20.00
03.28.23 Kerivek Lumbia Magio [TDS] default 1.00
03.28.23 Sililx Leatum [TDS] default 900.00
03.28.23 Setsah Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Canaras Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 500.00
03.28.23 Taldori Darkwater Boots [TDS] default 500.00
03.28.23 Zombieslicer Collio Serpentia [TDS] default 270.00
03.28.23 Sugarloaf Arx Mentis Chain Hands Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
03.28.23 Barefeet Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 150.00
03.28.23 Mosspaw Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 80.00
03.28.23 Zombieslicer Locus Anulium [TDS] default 310.00
03.28.23 Tenu Faculta Primia [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Gorsis Darkwater Armguards [TDS] default 600.00
03.28.23 Subster Arx Mentis Plate Chest Ornament [TDS] default 200.00
03.28.23 Kerivek Anulia Auguriis [TDS] default 200.00
03.28.23 Keejor Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 140.00
03.28.23 Dumaz Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Ghadius Lamna Felicis [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Zombieslicer Festinata Lemmai [TDS] default 40.00
03.28.23 Setsah Facia Quietus [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Barefeet Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 400.00
03.28.23 Brutail Arx Mentis Chain Wrist Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
03.28.23 Orsus Adbreviura [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Lumene Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Dumaz Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Taldori Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Ralas Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Barefeet Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Zombieslicer Picus Inaurem [TDS] default 100.00
03.28.23 Takes Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 320.00
03.28.23 Grigor Aurio Silensio [TDS] default 140.00
03.28.23 Barefeet Arx Mentis Leather Arms Ornament [TDS] default 150.00
03.28.23 Lhranc Arcus Eminus [TDS] default 240.00
03.23.23 Jetfuel Veil of Dark Rites [TDS] default 100.00
03.23.23 Quickfist Helm of Flowing Ether [TDS] default 20.00
03.23.23 Sililx Gloves of Flowing Ether [TDS] default 20.00
03.23.23 Glarex Decaying Oculus Ring [TDS] default 40.00
03.23.23 Harmemme Thrymm the Annihilator [TDS] default 100.00
03.23.23 Ralas Polished Marble of Tenacity [TDS] default 20.00
03.23.23 Lumene Polished Marble of Tenacity [TDS] default 40.00
03.23.23 Sililx Polished Marble of Tenacity [TDS] default 20.00
03.23.23 Sugarloaf Neckband of the Bold [TDS] default 60.00
03.23.23 Dumaz Beacon of Lost Souls [TDS] default 50.00
03.21.23 Twincast Magna Fulgia [TDS] default 20.00
03.21.23 Twincast Lumbia Magio [TDS] default 200.00
03.21.23 Sharsep Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 60.00
03.21.23 Gorsis Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 500.00
03.21.23 Barefeet Darkwater Boots [TDS] default 500.00
03.21.23 Jetfuel Collio Humas [TDS] default 250.00
03.21.23 Tahlmah Arx Mentis Cloth Helm Ornament [TDS] default 20.00
03.19.23 Subster Faculta Primia [TDS] default 60.00
03.19.23 Sharsep Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 60.00
03.19.23 Wits Clauvi Anulium [TDS] default 80.00
03.19.23 Tenu Darkwater Leggings [TDS] default 420.00
03.19.23 Canaras Anulia Texius [TDS] default 300.00
03.19.23 Kerivek Arx Mentis Leather Feet Ornament [TDS] default 100.00
03.19.23 Mosspaw Facia Lepiorus [TDS] default 350.00
03.19.23 Pokin Transfigerea [TDS] default 1.00
03.19.23 Tenu Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 300.00
03.19.23 Tenu Tita's Incapacitating Cincture [TDS] default 500.00
03.19.23 Canaras Mactabli [TDS] default 220.00
03.19.23 Barefeet Bestia Responsa [TDS] default 100.00
03.19.23 Subster Mask of the Praetorum [TDS] default 480.00
03.19.23 Barefeet Arx Mentis Leather Hands Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
03.19.23 Dumaz Darkwater Boots [TDS] default 500.00
03.19.23 Tenu Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 300.00
03.19.23 Kickun Adbreviura [TDS] default 100.00
03.19.23 Tinston Darkwater Tunic [TDS] default 1000.00
03.19.23 Grigor Arcus Eminus [TDS] default 160.00
03.19.23 Harmemme Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 40.00
03.19.23 Tahlmah Parogressio [TDS] default 650.00
03.19.23 Shadowkiller Lumbia Magio [TDS] default 1.00
03.19.23 Kerivek Magna Fulgia [TDS] default 50.00
03.19.23 Subster Arx Mentis Plate Arms Ornament [TDS] default 1.00
03.19.23 Ghadius Picus Inaurem [TDS] default 20.00
03.19.23 Dumaz Arx Mentis Plate Chest Ornament [TDS] default 100.00
03.19.23 Sharsep Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 240.00
03.19.23 Subster Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 100.00
03.19.23 Barefeet Sledge of the Indagatorum [TDS] default 20.00
03.19.23 Dami Transfigerea [TDS] default 20.00
03.14.23 Twincast Helm of Flowing Ether [TDS] default 40.00
03.14.23 Takes Royal Guardian's Vermilion Saber [TDS] default 1.00
03.14.23 Jeszi Rosette of the Restless Dead [TDS] default 20.00
03.14.23 Sililx Helm of Flowing Ether [TDS] default 20.00
03.14.23 Harmemme Rosette of the Restless Dead [TDS] default 20.00
03.14.23 Jeszi Rune of Incursion [TDS] default 1.00
03.14.23 Gancho Tarachi, Spellblade of Pandemonium [TDS] default 1.00
03.14.23 Nevil Bonebraided Hoop [TDS] default 20.00
03.14.23 Shadowkiller Fragment of Nobility [TDS] default 320.00
03.14.23 Bandito Shard of Celerity [TDS] default 320.00
03.14.23 Subster Bloodied Stone of Might [TDS] default 1.00
03.14.23 Subster Repository of Courage [TDS] default 40.00
03.12.23 Hype Frendia [TDS] default 70.00
03.12.23 Harmemme Elder Source of Creation [TDS] default 20.00
03.12.23 Harmemme Tita's Incapacitating Cincture [TDS] default 1040.00
03.12.23 Dumaz Vitai Solacium [TDS] default 300.00
03.12.23 Sugarloaf Incidiorex [TDS] default 180.00
03.12.23 Takes Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 200.00
03.12.23 Steel Collio Unguisis [TDS] default 1.00
03.12.23 Orsus Carmenius Facultus [TDS] default 100.00
03.12.23 Mrhugs Sicarria Auctus [TDS] default 80.00
03.12.23 Mosspaw Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 250.00
... 840 entries found


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