Date |
Buyer |
Name |
Raid |
Itempool |
Value |
05.03.22 |
Mosspaw |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
05.03.22 |
Clinchur |
Beauty of the Maiden |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
05.03.22 |
Clinchur |
Sash of the Selfless Individual |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
05.03.22 |
Dumaz |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
125.00 |
05.03.22 |
Havick |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
05.03.22 |
Grigor |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
05.03.22 |
Dishonor |
Hephae, Restorer of First's Laurels |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
05.03.22 |
Tenu |
Band of Perpetual Stealth |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
05.03.22 |
Supertank |
Head of the First Creation |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
05.03.22 |
Reza |
Tomes of the Four |
[UF] |
default |
96.00 |
05.03.22 |
Atumm |
Sisters' Family Signet |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
05.03.22 |
Moleman |
Runed Shroud of Debilitation |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
05.03.22 |
Nevil |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
125.00 |
05.03.22 |
Steel |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
05.03.22 |
Kamara |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
05.03.22 |
Mosspaw |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
05.03.22 |
Moleman |
Band of Scorching Power |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
05.03.22 |
Dumaz |
Staff of Earthen Retribution |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
05.03.22 |
Grigor |
Runemuse Hatchet |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
05.03.22 |
Kygo |
Heart of the Underfoot Hatchet Knife |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
05.03.22 |
Brutail |
Loop of Living Rock |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
05.03.22 |
Harmemme |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
200.00 |
05.03.22 |
Filthy |
Compact Cryptic Cipher |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
05.03.22 |
Kooper |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
05.03.22 |
Keejor |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
05.03.22 |
Keejor |
Holy Heart of the First Mace |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
05.03.22 |
Havick |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
11.00 |
05.03.22 |
Provoke |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
05.03.22 |
Krenok |
Heart of the First War Axe crush |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
05.03.22 |
Moleman |
Heated Grekenscale Cape |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
05.03.22 |
Wooz |
Buckler of the Selfish Martyr |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
05.03.22 |
Sharsep |
Tooth of the Smiling Bellikos |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
05.03.22 |
Kamara |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
05.03.22 |
Zevron |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
05.03.22 |
Supertank |
Heart of the First War Axe |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
05.03.22 |
Lhranc |
Lava-Melted Key |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
05.03.22 |
Havick |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
05.03.22 |
Mintberry |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
05.03.22 |
Kygo |
Vexed Mallet of Dwarven Artistry |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
05.03.22 |
Nevil |
Compelling Ring of Creation |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
05.03.22 |
Havick |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
05.03.22 |
Reza |
Tempered Flameborn Loop |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
05.03.22 |
Orsus |
Heart of the Underfoot Battle Staff |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
05.03.22 |
Kamara |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
05.03.22 |
Mintberry |
Heart of the Underfoot Katar |
[UF] |
default |
150.00 |
05.03.22 |
Provoke |
Vexed Mallet of Dwarven Artistry |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
05.03.22 |
Provoke |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
05.03.22 |
Provoke |
Monnion of the Self |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
05.03.22 |
Kamara |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
05.03.22 |
Dumaz |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
05.03.22 |
Mintberry |
Thrice-Layered Shoulderguards |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
05.03.22 |
Chad |
Holy Heart of the Underfoot Mace |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
05.03.22 |
Moleman |
Holy Heart of the First Mace |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
05.03.22 |
Clinchur |
Emblem of the Gatekeeper |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
05.03.22 |
Mintberry |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
23.00 |
05.03.22 |
Bandito |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
05.03.22 |
Atumm |
Dried Chips of Everliving Clay |
[UF] |
default |
85.00 |
05.03.22 |
Steel |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
300.00 |
05.03.22 |
Sint |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
05.03.22 |
Maple |
Manaflow Veil of the Convorteum |
[UF] |
default |
85.00 |
05.03.22 |
Setsah |
Calyssta's Jeweled Cincture |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
05.03.22 |
Kickun |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
05.03.22 |
Jeszi |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
28.00 |
05.03.22 |
Harmemme |
Heart of the Underfoot War Axe |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
05.03.22 |
Havick |
Heart of the First Battle Staff |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
04.28.22 |
Krenok |
Interlinked Gorget of the First Born |
[UF] |
default |
95.00 |
04.28.22 |
Jeszi |
Brilliant Band of the Underfoot |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.28.22 |
Kunnola |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.28.22 |
Wooz |
Creation's Destruction |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.28.22 |
Yudarx |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
300.00 |
04.28.22 |
Gangstar |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
325.00 |
04.28.22 |
Taldori |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
300.00 |
04.28.22 |
Taldori |
Sash of the Selfless Individual |
[UF] |
default |
200.00 |
04.28.22 |
Lhranc |
Head of the First Creation |
[UF] |
default |
200.00 |
04.26.22 |
Kerivek |
Virulent Band of Therias |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.26.22 |
Kooper |
Skull of the Magi |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.26.22 |
Maple |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
110.00 |
04.26.22 |
Mosspaw |
Shoulderguards of Ineptitude |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.26.22 |
Dishonor |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
04.26.22 |
Glarex |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
04.26.22 |
Blackogre |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
175.00 |
04.26.22 |
Reza |
Virulent Band of Therias |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
04.26.22 |
Supertank |
Heart of the First War Axe |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.26.22 |
Tenu |
Heart of the First Mace |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
04.26.22 |
Krenok |
Timeworn Codex |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.26.22 |
Steel |
Staff of Earthen Retribution |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
04.26.22 |
Kooper |
Runemuse Hatchet |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.26.22 |
Yudarx |
Ring of Flowing Mana |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
04.26.22 |
Mosspaw |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.26.22 |
Dumaz |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
35.00 |
04.26.22 |
Brutail |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
04.26.22 |
Sharsep |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
04.26.22 |
Kowboy |
Holy Heart of the First Mace |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.26.22 |
Nevil |
Heart of the First Lance |
[UF] |
default |
65.00 |
04.26.22 |
Neckynec |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
04.26.22 |
Neckynec |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
65.00 |
04.26.22 |
Bandito |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.26.22 |
Atumm |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.26.22 |
Krenok |
Heated Grekenscale Cape |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.26.22 |
Nevil |
Heated Grekenscale Cape |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.26.22 |
Sneh |
Gut Ripper of the Creation |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.26.22 |
Provoke |
Band of Encased Lava |
[UF] |
default |
115.00 |
04.26.22 |
Mintberry |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
41.00 |
04.26.22 |
Setsah |
Knight's Heart of the Underfoot Hand Axe |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.26.22 |
Dishonor |
Bulwark of Stability |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
04.26.22 |
Gangstar |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
125.00 |
04.26.22 |
Provoke |
Crystal Shard of Tenacity |
[UF] |
default |
85.00 |
04.26.22 |
Dirtt |
Darkheart the Unstable |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.26.22 |
Lhranc |
Bulwark of Stability |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
04.26.22 |
Kunnola |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.26.22 |
Clinchur |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.26.22 |
Hype |
Heart of the Underfoot Mace |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
04.26.22 |
Mosspaw |
Heart of the Underfoot Hatchet Knife |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.26.22 |
Mosspaw |
Heart of the First Hand Axe |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.26.22 |
Bandito |
Tellurian Joint of Potential |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.26.22 |
Harmemme |
Shining Guard of the Underfoot |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
04.26.22 |
Brutail |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.26.22 |
Brutail |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
0.00 |
04.26.22 |
Mintberry |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
04.26.22 |
Maple |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.26.22 |
Nevil |
Knight's Heart of the Underfoot Hand Axe |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.26.22 |
Kamara |
Immaculate Sphere of Clay |
[UF] |
default |
85.00 |
04.26.22 |
Provoke |
Eye of the Warden |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.26.22 |
Blackogre |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
325.00 |
04.26.22 |
Neckynec |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
04.26.22 |
Neckynec |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
04.26.22 |
Mosspaw |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.26.22 |
Steel |
Poncho of the Core Traveler |
[UF] |
default |
150.00 |
04.26.22 |
Kerivek |
Dried Chips of Everliving Clay |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.26.22 |
Dumaz |
Iridium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.26.22 |
Harmemme |
Battle-Hardened Amulet |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
04.26.22 |
Kerivek |
Iridium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
85.00 |
04.26.22 |
Zombieslicer |
Battle-Hardened Amulet |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
04.21.22 |
Kunnola |
Band of Perpetual Stealth |
[UF] |
default |
185.00 |
04.21.22 |
Clinchur |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.21.22 |
Provoke |
Hephae, Restorer of First's Laurels |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
04.21.22 |
Glarex |
Creation's Destruction |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.21.22 |
Inigo |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
325.00 |
04.21.22 |
Bandito |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
335.00 |
04.21.22 |
Tenu |
Head of the First Creation |
[UF] |
default |
300.00 |
04.21.22 |
Jeszi |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
300.00 |
04.21.22 |
Sneh |
Interlinked Gorget of the First Born |
[UF] |
default |
250.00 |
04.19.22 |
Clinchur |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.19.22 |
Clinchur |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
150.00 |
04.19.22 |
Neckynec |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
150.00 |
04.19.22 |
Krenok |
Skull of the Magi |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.19.22 |
Setsah |
Bloodletter, Katar of the Sisters |
[UF] |
default |
165.00 |
04.19.22 |
Setsah |
Virulent Band of Therias |
[UF] |
default |
95.00 |
04.19.22 |
Hype |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
370.00 |
04.19.22 |
Steel |
Shoulderguards of Ineptitude |
[UF] |
default |
150.00 |
04.19.22 |
Pewti |
Flyleaf Earring |
[UF] |
default |
130.00 |
04.19.22 |
Kamara |
Enigmatic Researcher's Neckguard |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.19.22 |
Neckynec |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.19.22 |
Taldori |
Enigmatic Researcher's Neckguard |
[UF] |
default |
35.00 |
04.19.22 |
Inigo |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.19.22 |
Blackogre |
Soulguard, Battleaxe of the Learned |
[UF] |
default |
200.00 |
04.19.22 |
Palmface |
Heart of the First Katar |
[UF] |
default |
200.00 |
04.19.22 |
Sneh |
Heart of the Underfoot Hatchet Knife |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.19.22 |
Yudarx |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.19.22 |
Glarex |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.19.22 |
Keejor |
Holy Heart of the Underfoot Mace |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.19.22 |
Kunnola |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.19.22 |
Lhranc |
Elegant Lavaforged Gorget |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.19.22 |
Lhranc |
Heated Grekenscale Cape |
[UF] |
default |
135.00 |
04.19.22 |
Wooz |
Tooth of the Smiling Bellikos |
[UF] |
default |
130.00 |
04.19.22 |
Blackogre |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.19.22 |
Maple |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.19.22 |
Setsah |
Kertrasia's Promise |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.19.22 |
Sharsep |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.19.22 |
Moleman |
Holy Heart of the Underfoot Mace |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.19.22 |
Kooper |
Vexed Mallet of Dwarven Artistry |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.19.22 |
Palmface |
Tempered Flameborn Loop |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
04.19.22 |
Steel |
Sample of Unpredictable Liquids |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.19.22 |
Krenok |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.19.22 |
Knud |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.19.22 |
Yudarx |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.19.22 |
Nevil |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.19.22 |
Taldori |
Darkheart the Unstable |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.19.22 |
Mosspaw |
Heart of the Underfoot War Axe |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.19.22 |
Tenu |
Heart of the Underfoot War Axe |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.19.22 |
Pewti |
Manaflow Veil of the Convorteum |
[UF] |
default |
175.00 |
04.19.22 |
Atumm |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
04.19.22 |
Atumm |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.19.22 |
Reza |
Thrice-Layered Shoulderguards |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.19.22 |
Supertank |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.19.22 |
Wooz |
Dried Chips of Everliving Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.19.22 |
Lhranc |
Forcible Axe of the Ward |
[UF] |
default |
150.00 |
04.19.22 |
Yudarx |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
04.19.22 |
Krenok |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
04.19.22 |
Wooz |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.19.22 |
Dumaz |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.19.22 |
Supertank |
Heart of the Underfoot Lance |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
04.19.22 |
Sint |
Calyssta's Jeweled Cincture |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.19.22 |
Kamara |
Ward of the Gatekeeper |
[UF] |
default |
95.00 |
04.19.22 |
Sint |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
76.00 |
04.14.22 |
Zevron |
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
36.00 |
04.14.22 |
Grigor |
Mercurial Stud |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.14.22 |
Supertank |
Iridium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.14.22 |
Maple |
Idol of Brell Serilis |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.14.22 |
Blackogre |
Hephae, Restorer of First's Laurels |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.14.22 |
Nevil |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.14.22 |
Sharsep |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
350.00 |
04.14.22 |
Zevron |
Guard of the Shield Maiden |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.14.22 |
Maple |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
350.00 |
04.14.22 |
Orsus |
Head of the First Creation |
[UF] |
default |
600.00 |
04.14.22 |
Sharsep |
Brilliant Band of the Underfoot |
[UF] |
default |
115.00 |
04.14.22 |
Dirtt |
Beauty of the Maiden |
[UF] |
default |
65.00 |
04.14.22 |
Provoke |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
375.00 |
04.14.22 |
Ehpop |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
04.14.22 |
Yudarx |
Virulent Band of Therias |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.14.22 |
Blackogre |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.14.22 |
Reza |
Sisters' Family Signet |
[UF] |
default |
90.00 |
04.14.22 |
Bandito |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
190.00 |
04.14.22 |
Wooz |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
195.00 |
04.14.22 |
Harmemme |
Heart of the Underfoot Lance |
[UF] |
default |
35.00 |
04.14.22 |
Wooz |
Virulent Band of Therias |
[UF] |
default |
105.00 |
04.14.22 |
Mintberry |
Heart of the Underfoot Battle Staff |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
04.14.22 |
Neckynec |
Virulent Band of Therias |
[UF] |
default |
110.00 |
04.12.22 |
Tenu |
Timeworn Codex |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
04.12.22 |
Dumaz |
Loyalist Dedication Earring |
[UF] |
default |
300.00 |
04.12.22 |
Atumm |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.12.22 |
Mustachio |
Staff of Earthen Retribution |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.12.22 |
Grigor |
Girdle of Strength |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.12.22 |
Grigor |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
375.00 |
04.12.22 |
Nevil |
Heart of the Underfoot Lance |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.12.22 |
Sint |
Heart of the First Mace |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.12.22 |
Bandito |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
90.00 |
04.12.22 |
Kamara |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.12.22 |
Sint |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.12.22 |
Steel |
Band of Encased Lava |
[UF] |
default |
150.00 |
04.12.22 |
Buttforce |
Heart of the Underfoot War Axe |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
04.12.22 |
Orsus |
Burning Ash of the Lake |
[UF] |
default |
250.00 |
04.12.22 |
Lhranc |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.12.22 |
Grigor |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
85.00 |
04.12.22 |
Dumaz |
Heart of the Underfoot Battle Staff |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
04.12.22 |
Atumm |
Bauble of Planar Influence |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.12.22 |
Lhranc |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.12.22 |
Provoke |
Elegant Lavaforged Gorget |
[UF] |
default |
125.00 |
04.12.22 |
Harmemme |
Knight's Heart of the Underfoot Hand Axe |
[UF] |
default |
225.00 |
04.12.22 |
Mintberry |
Heart of the Underfoot Battle Staff |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
04.12.22 |
Neckynec |
Tempered Flameborn Loop |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.12.22 |
Brutail |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
04.12.22 |
Bandito |
Carrier's Protective Facade |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.12.22 |
Steel |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
65.00 |
04.12.22 |
Pewti |
Darkheart the Unstable |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
04.12.22 |
Dumaz |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.12.22 |
Maple |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.12.22 |
Provoke |
Glowing Amethyst Shard |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.12.22 |
Yudarx |
Manaflow Veil of the Convorteum |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.12.22 |
Harmemme |
Monnion of the Self |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.12.22 |
Buttforce |
Calyssta's Jeweled Cincture |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.12.22 |
Gangstar |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
180.00 |
04.12.22 |
Mustachio |
Heart of the First Katar |
[UF] |
default |
375.00 |
04.12.22 |
Grigor |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
90.00 |
04.12.22 |
Tenu |
Cassarah, Iron Will of Brell |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.12.22 |
Maple |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.12.22 |
Blackogre |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.12.22 |
Verile |
Heart of the First Hand Axe |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.12.22 |
Atumm |
Ward of the Gatekeeper |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.12.22 |
Atumm |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
04.12.22 |
Dumaz |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.12.22 |
Nevil |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.12.22 |
Lhranc |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
04.12.22 |
Harmemme |
Ward of the Gatekeeper |
[UF] |
default |
85.00 |
04.07.22 |
Kooper |
Head of the First Creation |
[UF] |
default |
700.00 |
04.07.22 |
Kunnola |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
365.00 |
04.07.22 |
Brutail |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
375.00 |
04.07.22 |
Atumm |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
350.00 |
04.07.22 |
Kamara |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
135.00 |
04.07.22 |
Hype |
Guard of the Shield Maiden |
[UF] |
default |
90.00 |
04.07.22 |
Inigo |
Guard of the Shield Maiden |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.07.22 |
Jetfuel |
Brilliant Band of the Underfoot |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.07.22 |
Pewti |
Brilliant Band of the Underfoot |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.07.22 |
Krenok |
Shoulderguards of Ineptitude |
[UF] |
default |
275.00 |
04.07.22 |
Kunnola |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
190.00 |
04.07.22 |
Hype |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
190.00 |
04.07.22 |
Blackogre |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.07.22 |
Inigo |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
04.07.22 |
Jeszi |
Flayguard |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
04.07.22 |
Mustachio |
Bloodletter, Katar of the Sisters |
[UF] |
default |
350.00 |
04.07.22 |
Tenu |
Band of Scorching Power |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
04.07.22 |
Pewti |
Holy Heart of the First Mace |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.07.22 |
Setsah |
Heart of the Underfoot Battle Staff |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
04.07.22 |
Hype |
Timeworn Codex |
[UF] |
default |
85.00 |
04.07.22 |
Clinchur |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.07.22 |
Krenok |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.07.22 |
Jeszi |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
04.07.22 |
Kunnola |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.07.22 |
Orsus |
Loop of Living Rock |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.07.22 |
Glarex |
Compact Cryptic Cipher |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.07.22 |
Atumm |
Compact Cryptic Cipher |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
04.07.22 |
Inigo |
Heart of the First Hand Axe |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.07.22 |
Glarex |
Heart of the First Battle Staff |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.07.22 |
Yudarx |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
65.00 |
04.07.22 |
Kunnola |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.07.22 |
Yudarx |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
65.00 |
04.07.22 |
Gangstar |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
04.07.22 |
Steel |
Burning Ash of the Lake |
[UF] |
default |
275.00 |
04.07.22 |
Maple |
Buckler of the Selfish Martyr |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
04.07.22 |
Dumaz |
Band of Encased Lava |
[UF] |
default |
85.00 |
04.07.22 |
Buttforce |
Band of Encased Lava |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.05.22 |
Kamara |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
300.00 |
04.05.22 |
Nevil |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.05.22 |
Mustachio |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
65.00 |
04.05.22 |
Kerivek |
Manaflow Veil of the Convorteum |
[UF] |
default |
175.00 |
04.05.22 |
Kerivek |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.05.22 |
Maple |
Thrice-Layered Shoulderguards |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
04.05.22 |
Chad |
Immaculate Sphere of Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.05.22 |
Wooz |
Cord of Fickle Formation |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
04.05.22 |
Kerivek |
Cord of Fickle Formation |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
04.05.22 |
Nevil |
Shining Guard of the Underfoot |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
04.05.22 |
Krenok |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
04.05.22 |
Kerivek |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
04.05.22 |
Krenok |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
160.00 |
04.05.22 |
Maple |
Cord of Fickle Formation |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
04.05.22 |
Bandito |
Amis, Individual's Sacrifice |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
04.05.22 |
Steel |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
110.00 |
04.05.22 |
Buttforce |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.05.22 |
Clinchur |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
69.00 |
04.05.22 |
Maple |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
04.05.22 |
Clinchur |
Holy Heart of the Underfoot Mace |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.05.22 |
Nevil |
Emblem of the Gatekeeper |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.05.22 |
Zombieslicer |
Heart of the First War Axe |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
04.05.22 |
Grigor |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
04.05.22 |
Nevil |
Clayworker's Drape |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
04.05.22 |
Dumaz |
Shattered Clay Fragment |
[UF] |
default |
65.00 |
04.05.22 |
Pewti |
Iridium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
35.00 |
04.05.22 |
Pewti |
Iridium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.29.22 |
Brutail |
Timeworn Codex |
[UF] |
default |
110.00 |
03.29.22 |
Ehpop |
Heart of the First Hatchet Knife |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.29.22 |
Maple |
Compact Cryptic Cipher |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
03.29.22 |
Brutail |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
90.00 |
03.29.22 |
Steel |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
03.29.22 |
Kerivek |
Compact Cryptic Cipher |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.29.22 |
Mintberry |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.29.22 |
Kunnola |
Loop of Living Rock |
[UF] |
default |
110.00 |
03.29.22 |
Orsus |
Heart of the First Hatchet Knife |
[UF] |
default |
150.00 |
03.29.22 |
Hype |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
105.00 |
03.29.22 |
Sneh |
Heart of the First Hatchet Knife |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.29.22 |
Dishonor |
Molting of the Lava Worm |
[UF] |
default |
150.00 |
03.29.22 |
Hype |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
03.29.22 |
Ehpop |
Gut Ripper of the Creation |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.29.22 |
Chad |
Heart of the First Mace |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.29.22 |
Kerivek |
Bauble of Planar Influence |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.29.22 |
Reza |
Buckler of the Selfish Martyr |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
03.29.22 |
Steel |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
03.29.22 |
Steel |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.29.22 |
Steel |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
140.00 |
03.29.22 |
Buttforce |
Heart of the Underfoot Hatchet Knife |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
03.29.22 |
Dishonor |
Band of Solidarity |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.29.22 |
Hype |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
03.29.22 |
Dumaz |
Sample of Unpredictable Liquids |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
03.29.22 |
Grigor |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
03.29.22 |
Grigor |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
03.29.22 |
Krenok |
Knight's Heart of the Underfoot Hand Axe |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
03.29.22 |
Krenok |
Bulwark of Stability |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
03.29.22 |
Grigor |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
03.29.22 |
Pewti |
Sample of Unpredictable Liquids |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
03.29.22 |
Verile |
Heart of the First Mace |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.29.22 |
Atumm |
Heart of the First Battle Staff |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.29.22 |
Krenok |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.29.22 |
Maple |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
03.29.22 |
Dumaz |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.29.22 |
Hype |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
03.29.22 |
Taldori |
Immaculate Sphere of Clay |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
03.29.22 |
Supertank |
Eye of the Warden |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.29.22 |
Orsus |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.29.22 |
Steel |
Calyssta's Jeweled Cincture |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
03.29.22 |
Wooz |
Acrimony, Morthira's Corruption |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.29.22 |
Yudarx |
Kilt of Divine Protection |
[UF] |
default |
110.00 |
03.29.22 |
Dishonor |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.29.22 |
Pewti |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.29.22 |
Kamara |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.29.22 |
Setsah |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
03.29.22 |
Steel |
Gatekeeper's Locket |
[UF] |
default |
100.00 |
03.29.22 |
Skae |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.29.22 |
Atumm |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.29.22 |
Skae |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.24.22 |
Dishonor |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
230.00 |
03.24.22 |
Krenok |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
240.00 |
03.24.22 |
Tenu |
Rhodium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
230.00 |
03.24.22 |
Supertank |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
03.24.22 |
Tenu |
Interlinked Gorget of the First Born |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
03.24.22 |
Kunnola |
Hephae, Restorer of First's Laurels |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.24.22 |
Orsus |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.24.22 |
Atumm |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.24.22 |
Dumaz |
Clay-Soiled Shroud |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.24.22 |
Zevron |
Beauty of the Maiden |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.24.22 |
Sharsep |
Head of the First Creation |
[UF] |
default |
600.00 |
03.24.22 |
Yudarx |
Runed Shroud of Debilitation |
[UF] |
default |
65.00 |
03.24.22 |
Pewti |
Runed Shroud of Debilitation |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.24.22 |
Knud |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
155.00 |
03.24.22 |
Buttforce |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
135.00 |
03.24.22 |
Tenu |
Rhodium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
120.00 |
03.24.22 |
Kerivek |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.24.22 |
Krenok |
Heart of the First Lance |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.24.22 |
Steel |
Bloodletter, Katar of the Sisters |
[UF] |
default |
450.00 |
03.24.22 |
Supertank |
Band of Scorching Power |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
03.22.22 |
Dishonor |
Soulguard, Battleaxe of the Learned |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
03.22.22 |
Lhranc |
Soulguard, Battleaxe of the Learned |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.22.22 |
Clinchur |
Ring of Flowing Mana |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.22.22 |
Wooz |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.22.22 |
Pewti |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
03.22.22 |
Knud |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.22.22 |
Supertank |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.22.22 |
Wooz |
Compact Cryptic Cipher |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
03.22.22 |
Jeszi |
Holy Heart of the Underfoot Mace |
[UF] |
default |
150.00 |
03.22.22 |
Kunnola |
Heart of the Underfoot Battle Staff |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
03.22.22 |
Gangstar |
Heart of the Underfoot Mace |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
03.22.22 |
Ehpop |
Heart of the Underfoot Hatchet Knife |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.22.22 |
Krenok |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
03.22.22 |
Tenu |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
03.22.22 |
Buttforce |
Rhodium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
03.22.22 |
Gangstar |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
03.22.22 |
Steel |
Lava-Melted Key |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
03.22.22 |
Kamara |
Holy Heart of the First Mace |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.22.22 |
Pewti |
Buckler of the Selfish Martyr |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
03.22.22 |
Yudarx |
Buckler of the Selfish Martyr |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
03.22.22 |
Dishonor |
Band of Encased Lava |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.22.22 |
Dumaz |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.22.22 |
Harmemme |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.22.22 |
Yudarx |
Holy Heart of the First Mace |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
03.22.22 |
Brutail |
Heart of the Underfoot War Axe |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.22.22 |
Brutail |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
03.22.22 |
Tenu |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
55.00 |
03.22.22 |
Zevron |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.22.22 |
Tenu |
Rhodium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
03.22.22 |
Lhranc |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.22.22 |
Lhranc |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.22.22 |
Jeszi |
Crystal Shard of Tenacity |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.22.22 |
Kamara |
Cord of Fickle Formation |
[UF] |
default |
110.00 |
03.22.22 |
Dirtt |
Compelling Ring of Creation |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.22.22 |
Buttforce |
Carrier's Protective Facade |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
03.22.22 |
Kerivek |
Thrice-Layered Shoulderguards |
[UF] |
default |
75.00 |
03.22.22 |
Setsah |
Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.22.22 |
Tenu |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
03.22.22 |
Wooz |
Rhodium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
03.22.22 |
Dirtt |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
70.00 |
03.22.22 |
Wooz |
Manaflow Veil of the Convorteum |
[UF] |
default |
90.00 |
03.22.22 |
Sint |
Majestic Cloak of the Mistresses |
[UF] |
default |
80.00 |
03.22.22 |
Buttforce |
Heart of the First Mace |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.22.22 |
Lhranc |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.22.22 |
Kerivek |
Acrimony, Morthira's Corruption |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.22.22 |
Blackogre |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
03.22.22 |
Tenu |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
03.22.22 |
Tenu |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
03.22.22 |
Brutail |
Rhodium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.22.22 |
Jeszi |
Kilt of Divine Protection |
[UF] |
default |
60.00 |
03.22.22 |
Lhranc |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.22.22 |
Neckynec |
Clayworker's Drape |
[UF] |
default |
45.00 |
03.22.22 |
Wooz |
Iridium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
35.00 |
03.22.22 |
Kerivek |
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.22.22 |
Wooz |
Inlaid Terros Cloth Drape |
[UF] |
default |
35.00 |
03.22.22 |
Lhranc |
Battle-Hardened Amulet |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.20.22 |
Dumaz |
Sporic Bindings of the Deep Gloom |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
03.20.22 |
Kerivek |
Iridium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
03.20.22 |
Knud |
Iridium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
50.00 |
03.20.22 |
Dishonor |
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.20.22 |
Knud |
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.20.22 |
Lhranc |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.20.22 |
Supertank |
Cloak of the Steam Shear |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.20.22 |
Buttforce |
Cloak of the Steam Shear |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.20.22 |
Tenu |
Cloak of the Steam Shear |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.20.22 |
Buttforce |
Spined Crystal Baned |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.20.22 |
Ehpop |
Razor of the Underfoot |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.20.22 |
Supertank |
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.20.22 |
Dishonor |
Iridium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.20.22 |
Pewti |
Iridium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.20.22 |
Supertank |
Iridium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.20.22 |
Dirtt |
Chronicle of the Trials |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.20.22 |
Kerivek |
Banded Crystalline Earring |
[UF] |
default |
35.00 |
03.20.22 |
Knud |
Metallic Remnant of Destruction |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
03.20.22 |
Pewti |
Layered Gorget of Tenacity |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.20.22 |
Gangstar |
Iridium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.20.22 |
Krenok |
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.20.22 |
Krenok |
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.20.22 |
Supertank |
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.20.22 |
Pewti |
Glinting Incendiary Band |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.20.22 |
Dishonor |
Fragile Shard of Focus |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.20.22 |
Lhranc |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.17.22 |
Supertank |
Lichen Draped Stud |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.17.22 |
Buttforce |
Lichen Draped Stud |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.17.22 |
Dishonor |
Iridium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.17.22 |
Krenok |
Iridium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.17.22 |
Buttforce |
Iridium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.17.22 |
Supertank |
Iridium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.17.22 |
Lhranc |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.17.22 |
Buttforce |
Ashen Loop of Bone |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.17.22 |
Supertank |
Ashen Loop of Bone |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.15.22 |
Glarex |
Mirelance of the Shadows |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.15.22 |
Wooz |
Moss Lined Cloak |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.15.22 |
Wooz |
Moss-Entwined Necklace |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.15.22 |
Bandito |
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.15.22 |
Dishonor |
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.15.22 |
Krenok |
Sporic Bindings of the Deep Gloom |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.15.22 |
Buttforce |
Iridum Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
03.15.22 |
Wooz |
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.15.22 |
Buttforce |
Symbol of the Master |
[UF] |
default |
17.00 |
03.15.22 |
Buttforce |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.15.22 |
Buttforce |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.15.22 |
Gangstar |
Palladium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.15.22 |
Maple |
Palladium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.15.22 |
Sneh |
Firefang |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.15.22 |
Dirtt |
Blackscale Buckler |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.15.22 |
Tenu |
Bindings of the Flametouched |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.13.22 |
Maple |
Palladium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
25.00 |
03.13.22 |
Buttforce |
Palladium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.13.22 |
Pewti |
Palladium Encrusted Thoracic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.13.22 |
Buttforce |
Palladium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.13.22 |
Mintberry |
Severed Guardian Antenna |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.13.22 |
Palmface |
Ring of the Royal Guard |
[UF] |
default |
40.00 |
03.13.22 |
Wooz |
Queen's Prime Minion Saddle |
[UF] |
default |
255.00 |
03.13.22 |
Knud |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.13.22 |
Knud |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.13.22 |
Taldori |
Blood-Hardened Shawl |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.13.22 |
Wooz |
Blood-Hardened Shawl |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.13.22 |
Jetfuel |
Scepter of the War Priest |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.13.22 |
Gangstar |
Polished Chitin Fragment |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.13.22 |
Pewti |
Palladium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.13.22 |
Maple |
Palladium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.13.22 |
Kerivek |
Palladium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.13.22 |
Brutail |
Palladium Encrusted Crural Clay |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.13.22 |
Wooz |
Glowing Cliknar Antenna |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.13.22 |
Kerivek |
Glowing Cliknar Antenna |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Wooz |
Palladium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Dishonor |
Palladium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Setsah |
Palladium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Kerivek |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Kamara |
Life Ring |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Steel |
Flawless Agranite Shard Pendant |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.10.22 |
Brutail |
Emberstrike |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Krenok |
Blade of Living Clay |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Wooz |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.10.22 |
Kerivek |
Palladium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Dirtt |
Palladium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Wooz |
Palladium Encrusted Brachial Clay |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Verile |
Flamebone Earring |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Wooz |
Fire Eye Diamond Stud |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Supertank |
Edge of Oblivion |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Brutail |
Bindings of the Flametouched |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.10.22 |
Dirtt |
Palladium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.10.22 |
Verile |
Shard of Authority |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Pewti |
Palladium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Supertank |
Chitin-Joint Bow |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Pewti |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Bandito |
Palladium Encrusted Tarsal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Palmface |
Balaclava of the Messenger |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Lhranc |
Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Krenok |
Shard of Authority |
[UF] |
default |
15.00 |
03.10.22 |
Kamara |
Shield of Abstruse Power |
[UF] |
default |
20.00 |
03.10.22 |
Krenok |
Riftstalker's Band |
[UF] |
default |
30.00 |
03.10.22 |
Pewti |
Palladium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Kunnola |
Palladium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Gangstar |
Palladium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Pewti |
Palladium Encrusted Cephalic Clay |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Jeszi |
Horned Necrotic Mask |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Yudarx |
Droplet of the Frozen Lake |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.10.22 |
Kamara |
Bloody Symbol of the Initiate |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Dirtt |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Dirtt |
Bloody Symbol of the Initiate |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Verile |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.10.22 |
Mintberry |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |
03.10.22 |
Bandito |
Black Revenge |
[UF] |
default |
10.00 |
03.10.22 |
Hype |
Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay |
[UF] |
default |
1.00 |
03.10.22 |
Wooz |
Bloody Symbol of the Initiate |
[UF] |
default |
5.00 |