• Sunday, 16. February 2025 11:08
class 1
Level 110, Bard

DKP Information

Show the points information for this Char only

Point account name Earned Spent Adjustment Current Raids (30 days) Raids (60 days) Raids (90 days) Raids (lifetime)
Default 7071.00 4379.00 350.00 3042.00 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 40% (478/1199)
... 1 entries found

Raid Attendance History

Date Name Note Value
10.12.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
10.12.23 [RoS] Nice and short baby, just how we like em 31.00
10.12.23 [RoS] Extra DKP because Chad showed up 31.00
10.12.23 [RoS] EoK Tings 31.00
10.12.23 [RoS] T1 Bloolance of Poower 31.00
10.12.23 [RoS] Personas 2025 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] T2 Drusella's Vault 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] T2 Crypt Robbers 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] T2 Crypt Robbers 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] T1 End of Empire 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] T1 Feel Foilage 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] EoK Stuff rip Dami again 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] Waiting for keeeyyyzz 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] Very smooth 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] T1 Fell Foliage 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] T1 Balance of Power 31.00
10.01.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
10.01.23 [RoS] Great job tonight everyone 31.00
10.01.23 [RoS] T1 Balance of Power 31.00
10.01.23 [RoS] T1 Fell Foliage 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] Seb Coin Farm 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] Seb Coin Farm 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] Seb Coin Farm 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] T1 Balance of Pooer 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] T1 Balance of Power, Chokodai Bonanza Mode 31.00
03.09.23 [TDS] Prog + Levelling 25.00
03.09.23 [TDS] Prog + Levelling 25.00
03.09.23 [TDS] Prog + Levelling 25.00
02.28.23 [COTF] T1 My dudes, shoulders dropped, on god 20.00
02.28.23 [COTF] T1 All hail Dami our raid Lord and Savior 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] T1 Nah Rye Ack ??? 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] T1 Dead tanks hills 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] T1 Two balls in the back 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] T1 Learning Shatmo's measurements 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] T2 Void on the achievement window 20.00
02.16.23 [COTF] WAR! What is it good for? Absolutely ONE SHOT 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T1 The rest of it 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T1 Puttin the Dead in Dead Hills 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T1 Xulous Insta-Dead Prime 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T1 Defense of Lenindininarianinan 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T2 Journey to AT&T Lag Fest 20.00
02.09.23 [COTF] T2 BBBurn out 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T1 DH 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T1 WK stuff 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T1 WK things 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T2 Zebbucks or Rucks 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T2 Sunwell 20.00
01.31.23 [COTF] T2 Dammit Kyle 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] T1 Stuff 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] T1 Stuff 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] PoW Zek Bros 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] PoW Zek Bros 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] PoW Zek Bros 20.00
01.24.23 [COTF] PoW Zek Bros 20.00
01.22.23 [COTF] T1 Cleanup 20.00
01.22.23 [COTF] T2 Journey Home (by getting blown off the island lulz) 20.00
01.22.23 [COTF] T2 Sunwell aka Burn Out 20.00
01.22.23 [COTF] T2 Fuckin Kyle 20.00
01.19.23 [COTF] Post TZ/VZ Dick Slapping 20.00
01.19.23 [COTF] PoW TZ/VZ Kill gg 20.00
01.19.23 [COTF] PoW TZ/VZ Prog 20.00
01.19.23 [COTF] PoW TZ/VZ Prog 20.00
01.17.23 [COTF] T1 Reclear 20.00
01.17.23 [COTF] T1 Reclear 20.00
01.17.23 [COTF] T1 Reclear 20.00
01.17.23 [COTF] T1 Reclear 20.00
01.15.23 [COTF] TZ/VZ Attempts 20.00
01.15.23 [COTF] Neriak - Hate Rising 20.00
01.15.23 [COTF] are there any sea raids? 20.00
01.15.23 [COTF] BEE RAIDS? 20.00
12.06.22 [RoF] T4 Xaric Cheets 20.00
12.06.22 [RoF] T4 Xaric Power Hour 20.00
12.06.22 [RoF] T4 Xaric Power Hour 20.00
12.06.22 [RoF] T4 Cheevos 20.00
12.06.22 [RoF] T4 Cheevos 20.00
12.06.22 [RoF] T4 Cheevos 20.00
11.22.22 [RoF] Xorbbbbbb 20.00
11.22.22 [RoF] T4 Heart of Phear - Bonus tracks 20.00
11.22.22 [RoF] T4 Heart of Phear - Bonus tracks 20.00
11.22.22 [RoF] T4 Heart of Phear 20.00
11.22.22 [RoF] Xorbbbb 20.00
11.22.22 [RoF] T4 Heart of Phear 20.00
11.15.22 [RoF] Sexytime 20.00
11.15.22 [RoF] T2 Just one more dragon 20.00
11.15.22 [RoF] T2 Super is higher than... 20.00
11.15.22 [RoF] T2 Extra DKP for making Byun *crabby* 20.00
11.15.22 [RoF] T3 where did all the loot go 20.00
11.15.22 [RoF] T3 Stuff 20.00
11.13.22 [RoF] T4 + T3 Lootsplosion Oh god I got loot in my eye 20.00
11.13.22 [RoF] T4 + T3 Lootsplosion Loot dribbling off my chin 20.00
11.13.22 [RoF] T4 + T3 Lootsplosion Loot dripping all down my face 20.00
11.13.22 [RoF] T4 + T3 Lootsplosion Loot squirting everywhere 20.00
11.10.22 [RoF] T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic 20.00
11.10.22 [RoF] T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic 20.00
11.10.22 [RoF] T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic 20.00
11.10.22 [RoF] T3 + T2 Lootastic Bombastic 20.00
11.08.22 [RoF] T4 Lootstravaganzabonanzawtfbbqsauce + Luclin's 90 Million lewts 20.00
... 100 entries found / 478 are shown

Item Purchase History

Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
01.24.23 Mustachio Mud-Crusted Hoop [COTF] default 75.00
11.22.22 Mustachio Dread Infused Leggings [RoF] default 350.00
11.13.22 Mustachio Shred of Anxiety [RoF] default 140.00
11.13.22 Mustachio Fearbrand [RoF] default 295.00
11.10.22 Mustachio Goblin Scout's Loop [RoF] default 35.00
11.10.22 Mustachio Punctured Faceguard [RoF] default 120.00
11.10.22 Mustachio Gladiator's Bastion [RoF] default 85.00
11.10.22 Mustachio Balefire Brand [RoF] default 85.00
11.10.22 Mustachio Ngreth's Crystal Ring [RoF] default 85.00
11.08.22 Mustachio Brell's Shadow [RoF] default 10.00
11.08.22 Mustachio Primed Fragment of Fearlinked Zeal [RoF] default 1.00
11.08.22 Mustachio Primed Fragment of Fearlinked Zeal [RoF] default 1.00
11.08.22 Mustachio Ageless Mantle [RoF] default 80.00
11.08.22 Mustachio Airy Ribbon of Indifference [RoF] default 270.00
09.08.22 Mustachio Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension [VoA] default 5.00
09.08.22 Mustachio Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension [VoA] default 5.00
09.08.22 Mustachio Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension [VoA] default 5.00
09.06.22 Mustachio Ostentatious Legwraps of Ryken [VoA] default 165.00
09.06.22 Mustachio Shifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension [VoA] default 5.00
08.30.22 Mustachio Stately Headdress of Ladrys [VoA] default 80.00
08.21.22 Mustachio Elegant Wristwraps of Oseka [VoA] default 15.00
06.23.22 Mustachio Ichortal, Ruby of Fear [HoT] default 55.00
06.16.22 Mustachio Obscure Remnant of Knowledge [HoT] default 1.00
06.16.22 Mustachio Obscure Remnant of Truth [HoT] default 1.00
06.14.22 Mustachio Perspicuous Remnant of Survival [HoT] default 75.00
06.05.22 Mustachio Perspicuous Remnant of Truth [HoT] default 110.00
05.31.22 Mustachio Obscure Remnant of Desire [HoT] default 165.00
05.31.22 Mustachio Obscure Remnant of Greed [HoT] default 125.00
05.19.22 Mustachio Obscure Remnant of Devotion [HoT] default 65.00
05.17.22 Mustachio Obscure Remnant of Truth [HoT] default 25.00
05.17.22 Mustachio Collar of the Crimson Hands Conscript [HoT] default 75.00
05.15.22 Mustachio Esoteric Remnant of Greed [HoT] default 5.00
04.12.22 Mustachio Staff of Earthen Retribution [UF] default 50.00
04.12.22 Mustachio Heart of the First Katar [UF] default 375.00
04.07.22 Mustachio Bloodletter, Katar of the Sisters [UF] default 350.00
04.05.22 Mustachio Rhodium Encrusted Tarsal Clay [UF] default 65.00
03.03.22 Mustachio Discordling War Mask [SoD] default 10.00
02.24.22 Mustachio Warped Coeval Luminessence [SoD] default 5.00
02.24.22 Mustachio Ensslat's Earring [SoD] default 10.00
02.22.22 Mustachio Sash of Living Darkness [SoD] default 25.00
02.22.22 Mustachio Ring of Forebearance [SoD] default 5.00
02.08.22 Mustachio Phased Coeval Incandessence [SoD] default 50.00
02.08.22 Mustachio Distorted Coeval Luminessence [SoD] default 60.00
02.08.22 Mustachio Distorted Coeval Luminessence [SoD] default 75.00
02.08.22 Mustachio Phased Primeval Incandessence [SoD] default 35.00
02.01.22 Mustachio Flashstriker's Great Mace [SoD] default 100.00
02.01.22 Mustachio Distorted Primeval Incandessence [SoD] default 55.00
02.01.22 Mustachio Distorted Primeval Incandessence [SoD] default 50.00
01.04.22 Mustachio Soulsunder [SoD] default 200.00
12.14.21 Mustachio Flashing Prismatic Knucklewraps [SoF] default 150.00
12.07.21 Mustachio Prismaridescent Essence [SoF] default 40.00
11.30.21 Mustachio Giovin the Smoldering [SoF] default 10.00
11.30.21 Mustachio Prismaridescent Essence [SoF] default 15.00
11.30.21 Mustachio Prismaridescent Essence [SoF] default 30.00
... 54 entries found

Individual Adjustment History

Date Reason Value
08.11.22 DKP Bonus for 91 Alaran 250.00
11.30.21 Rostam 100.00
... 2 entries found
Icon Event Raids (lifetime)
eventicon9 [KUN] Venril Sathir
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Funsies
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Hate
0.00% (0/0)
63.00% (31/49)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
76.00% (93/122)
0.00% (0/0)
72.00% (69/96)
51.00% (74/144)
61.00% (88/144)
34.00% (50/147)
44.00% (42/96)
2.00% (3/144)
0.00% (0/91)
0.00% (0/94)
0.00% (0/0)
DKP Adjustment
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Gorenaire
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Sky
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Dragons
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Yael / Phinny
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/2)
[KUN] Severilous
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Talendor
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Trakanon
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Veeshan's Peak
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Fear
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Pick Spawning
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Fear
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Tunare
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Zlandi/Klandi
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Kael
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Yeli
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Dains/Velk
0.00% (0/0)
40.00% (28/70)
... 43 entries found
No notes available.



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