• Sunday, 19. January 2025 09:32
class 12
Level 95, Shaman

DKP Information

Show the points information for this Char only

Point account name Earned Spent Adjustment Current Raids (30 days) Raids (60 days) Raids (90 days) Raids (lifetime)
Default 13587.00 13955.00 670.00 302.00 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 83% (578/698)
... 1 entries found

Raid Attendance History

Date Name Note Value
10.26.23 [RoS] Not enough Mosspaw deaths 31.00
10.26.23 [RoS] T1 Balance of Power 31.00
10.26.23 [RoS] Excellent job again 31.00
10.26.23 [RoS] T1 clear ez pz 31.00
10.26.23 [RoS] T1 End of Empire 31.00
10.26.23 [RoS] T1 Fel Foliage 31.00
10.24.23 [RoS] Cexiitime 31.00
10.24.23 [RoS] EoK Stuff 31.00
10.24.23 [RoS] T2 done fast, good jorb, lolgigabanner 31.00
10.24.23 [RoS] T2 Sathir Line 31.00
10.24.23 [RoS] T2 Drusella's Vault 31.00
10.24.23 [RoS] T2 Crypt Robbers 31.00
10.19.23 [RoS] T1 Feel Foilage 31.00
10.19.23 [RoS] T2 Sathir Line 31.00
10.17.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
10.17.23 [RoS] T2 Vault Bweeee 31.00
10.17.23 [RoS] T2 Vault 31.00
10.17.23 [RoS] T2 Vault of Baskets n Caskets 31.00
10.17.23 [RoS] T2 Vault of Chaos 31.00
10.17.23 [RoS] T2 Crypt Robbers 31.00
10.12.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
10.12.23 [RoS] Personas 2025 31.00
10.12.23 [RoS] Nice and short baby, just how we like em 31.00
10.12.23 [RoS] Extra DKP because Chad showed up 31.00
10.12.23 [RoS] EoK Tings 31.00
10.12.23 [RoS] T1 Bloolance of Poower 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] T2 Drusella's Vault 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] T2 Crypt Robbers 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] T2 Crypt Robbers 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] T1 End of Empire 31.00
10.10.23 [RoS] T1 Feel Foilage 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] EoK Stuff rip Dami again 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] Waiting for keeeyyyzz 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] T1 Fell Foliage 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] Very smooth 31.00
10.05.23 [RoS] T1 Balance of Power 31.00
10.03.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
10.03.23 [RoS] Nice work babes 31.00
10.03.23 [RoS] EoK Stuff 31.00
10.03.23 [RoS] EoK Stuff 31.00
10.03.23 [RoS] EoK Stuff 31.00
10.03.23 [RoS] T1 End of Empire 31.00
10.01.23 [RoS] T1 Balance of Power 31.00
10.01.23 [RoS] Great job tonight everyone 31.00
10.01.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
10.01.23 [RoS] T1 Fell Foliage 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] Seb Coin Farm 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] Seb Coin Farm 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] Seb Coin Farm 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] T1 Balance of Pooer 31.00
09.28.23 [RoS] T1 Balance of Power, Chokodai Bonanza Mode 31.00
09.26.23 [RoS] Sexytime 31.00
09.26.23 [RoS] T1 End of Empire (Genetic Dynasty??) 31.00
09.26.23 [RoS] T1 We're MESS, we're attracted to rainbows 31.00
09.26.23 [RoS] T1 Nagging our Ginas 31.00
09.26.23 [RoS] T1 Gettin Viral'd 31.00
09.26.23 [RoS] T1 Cactuar 31.00
09.21.23 [RoS] In other words, sexytime 31.00
09.21.23 [RoS] Short, jerky movements 31.00
09.21.23 [RoS] Fertile earth and unfolding flesh 31.00
09.21.23 [RoS] Lag boss followed us into this expansion 31.00
09.21.23 [RoS] Good work on levels 31.00
09.21.23 [RoS] Good work on prog 31.00
09.19.23 [EoK] Lag boss hardest boss of expansion 25.00
09.19.23 [EoK] T3 Ancient Dragon 25.00
09.19.23 [EoK] T3 Kar'Zok 25.00
09.19.23 [EoK] T1 Summoning Droga 25.00
09.19.23 [EoK] T2 Queen 25.00
09.19.23 [EoK] T2 Prince 25.00
09.14.23 [EoK] T2 Vault 25.00
09.14.23 [EoK] T2 Queen 25.00
09.14.23 [EoK] T2 Prince 25.00
09.14.23 [EoK] T1 Gorenaire but everything, everywhere, all at once 25.00
09.14.23 [EoK] T1 Gorenaire but everything, everywhere, all at once 25.00
09.14.23 [EoK] T1 Gorenaire but everything, everywhere, all at once 25.00
09.12.23 [EoK] Sexytime 25.00
09.12.23 [EoK] GG on more acheives 25.00
09.12.23 [EoK] T1 Droga, cocaine byun strat 25.00
09.12.23 [EoK] T3 Atrebe 25.00
09.12.23 [EoK] T3 Ancient Dragon, this time long enuff 25.00
09.12.23 [EoK] T3 Kar'Zok 25.00
09.07.23 [EoK] Sexytime 25.00
09.07.23 [EoK] Bonus dkp for putting up with Super 25.00
09.07.23 [EoK] T1 Gore 25.00
09.07.23 [EoK] T2 Vault 25.00
09.07.23 [EoK] T2 Queen, fucking quickly 25.00
09.07.23 [EoK] T2 Prince, fucking slowly 25.00
09.05.23 [EoK] T3 Atrebe Achebe 25.00
09.05.23 [EoK] T1 Summoning of Droga, now with less priest 25.00
09.05.23 [EoK] Good jorb on all the cheevos 25.00
09.05.23 [EoK] Sexytime 25.00
09.05.23 [EoK] T3 Ancient Dragon, 20 mins isn't ancient enough 25.00
09.05.23 [EoK] T3 Kar'Zok, fun with frost 25.00
08.31.23 [EoK] Sexytime 25.00
08.31.23 [EoK] Guess whos back, back again 25.00
08.31.23 [EoK] T1 Gore 25.00
08.31.23 [EoK] T2 Vault 25.00
... 100 entries found / 578 are shown

Item Purchase History

Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
10.26.23 Ralas Scaleborn Shoes Facet [RoS] default 400.00
10.24.23 Ralas Terrak-Nar, Emperor's Bulwark [RoS] default 500.00
10.24.23 Ralas Scaleborn Cap Facet [RoS] default 300.00
10.17.23 Ralas Flawless Conflagrant Diamond [RoS] default 450.00
10.05.23 Ralas Scaleborn Bracer Facet [RoS] default 350.00
10.03.23 Ralas Median Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale [RoS] default 80.00
10.03.23 Ralas Lesser Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale [RoS] default 80.00
09.28.23 Ralas Minor Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale [RoS] default 150.00
09.28.23 Ralas Lesser Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale [RoS] default 100.00
09.26.23 Ralas Minor Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale [RoS] default 50.00
09.07.23 Ralas Amorphous Velazul's Wristguard [EoK] default 500.00
09.05.23 Ralas Amorphous Velazul's Breastplate [EoK] default 750.00
08.31.23 Ralas Amorphous Velazul's Leggings [EoK] default 600.00
08.22.23 Ralas Dasher [EoK] default 20.00
08.10.23 Ralas Glowing Runes of Kunark [EoK] default 20.00
07.27.23 Ralas Greater Runes of Kunark [EoK] default 60.00
07.25.23 Ralas Raw Deathseeker's Wristguard [TBM] default 250.00
07.20.23 Ralas Raw Deathseeker's Leggings [TBM] default 300.00
07.20.23 Ralas Dawnfire, Morning Star of Light [TBM] default 1.00
07.13.23 Ralas Raw Deathseeker's Helmet [TBM] default 200.00
07.11.23 Ralas Withered Totem of Widdershins [TBM] default 20.00
07.11.23 Ralas Raw Deathseeker's Gloves [TBM] default 400.00
07.06.23 Ralas Raw Deathseeker's Armwraps [TBM] default 300.00
07.06.23 Ralas Emollious' Shield of Shedding [TBM] default 300.00
07.06.23 Ralas Raw Deathseeker's Tunic [TBM] default 300.00
06.29.23 Ralas Morbomancer's Mantle [TBM] default 500.00
06.29.23 Ralas Sensitizing Thought Orb [TBM] default 500.00
06.22.23 Ralas Gorget of the Bottomless [TBM] default 500.00
06.22.23 Ralas Hotof's Gem [TBM] default 600.00
06.22.23 Ralas Glowing Essence of Decay [TBM] default 20.00
06.20.23 Ralas Glowing Essence of Decay [TBM] default 20.00
06.20.23 Ralas Bulging Bloody Stone [TBM] default 300.00
06.20.23 Ralas Greater Essence of Decay [TBM] default 20.00
06.20.23 Ralas Greater Essence of Decay [TBM] default 20.00
06.20.23 Ralas Infinite Protective Vapor Orb [TBM] default 200.00
06.20.23 Ralas Greater Essence of Decay [TBM] default 20.00
06.15.23 Ralas Eye of Cazic-Thule [TBM] default 350.00
06.13.23 Ralas Triumphant Mask [TBM] default 350.00
06.11.23 Ralas Lesser Essence of Decay [TBM] default 20.00
06.04.23 Ralas Barbarian Spiritist's Hammer [TBM] default 20.00
06.01.23 Ralas Glowing Essence of Decay [TBM] default 100.00
05.30.23 Ralas Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Ralas Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Ralas Greater Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Ralas Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.30.23 Ralas Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.30.23 Ralas Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 40.00
05.23.23 Ralas Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.18.23 Ralas Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 500.00
05.18.23 Ralas Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.16.23 Ralas Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Ralas Darkwater Bracer [TDS] default 500.00
05.09.23 Ralas Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
05.09.23 Ralas Praedatora Facius [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Ralas Animio Negris [TDS] default 20.00
05.09.23 Ralas Sledge of the Indagatorum [TDS] default 20.00
05.04.23 Ralas Glowing Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
05.04.23 Ralas Darkwater Helm [TDS] default 500.00
05.04.23 Ralas Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
05.04.23 Ralas Darkwater Gloves [TDS] default 500.00
04.27.23 Ralas Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
04.27.23 Ralas Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
04.25.23 Ralas Median Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 60.00
04.13.23 Ralas Gavel of the August [TDS] default 20.00
04.04.23 Ralas Lesser Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 50.00
03.30.23 Ralas Royal Vicar's Ornamental Buckler [TDS] default 50.00
03.28.23 Ralas Minor Essence of the Citadel [TDS] default 100.00
03.23.23 Ralas Polished Marble of Tenacity [TDS] default 20.00
02.02.23 Ralas Crystal of Soulmoon's Eve [COTF] default 50.00
02.02.23 Ralas Deadgem Earring [COTF] default 20.00
01.17.23 Ralas Lionskin Frock [COTF] default 20.00
12.20.22 Ralas Dread Bracer [RoF] default 20.00
12.13.22 Ralas Gold-Trimmed Cummerbund of Sorrow [RoF] default 150.00
12.08.22 Ralas Dread Bracer [RoF] default 20.00
12.06.22 Ralas Gem of Concentrated Terror [RoF] default 20.00
12.01.22 Ralas Dread Gloves [RoF] default 1.00
12.01.22 Ralas Dread Leggings [RoF] default 1.00
12.01.22 Ralas Dread Washed Boots [RoF] default 100.00
12.01.22 Ralas Dread Washed Bracer [RoF] default 75.00
11.22.22 Ralas Xorbb's Insight [RoF] default 80.00
11.22.22 Ralas Actinic Light Cloak [RoF] default 1.00
11.22.22 Ralas Fragment of Terror [RoF] default 100.00
11.17.22 Ralas Durable Miner's Shoulderpads [RoF] default 20.00
11.13.22 Ralas Cord of the Unseen [RoF] default 50.00
11.13.22 Ralas Spittu, Vexing Face Mask of Obstinance [RoF] default 100.00
11.10.22 Ralas Resin-Coated Gorget [RoF] default 1.00
11.08.22 Ralas Toba`o the Fearless [RoF] default 50.00
10.27.22 Ralas Mask of the Phantasm [RoF] default 20.00
10.11.22 Ralas Thunder, Mace of Conviction [VoA] default 25.00
... 89 entries found

Individual Adjustment History

Date Reason Value
03.19.23 Level 105 by March 19th 150.00
11.03.22 Level 100 by Nov 3rd 120.00
10.02.22 Raider Promotion Bonus 400.00
... 3 entries found
Icon Event Raids (lifetime)
eventicon9 [KUN] Venril Sathir
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Funsies
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Hate
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
94.00% (51/54)
64.00% (94/147)
43.00% (41/96)
97.00% (140/144)
99.00% (90/91)
100.00% (94/94)
0.00% (0/0)
DKP Adjustment
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Gorenaire
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Sky
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Dragons
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Yael / Phinny
0.00% (0/0)
100.00% (2/2)
[KUN] Severilous
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Talendor
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Trakanon
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Veeshan's Peak
0.00% (0/0)
[CL] - Fear
0.00% (0/0)
[KUN] Pick Spawning
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Fear
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Tunare
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Zlandi/Klandi
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Kael
0.00% (0/0)
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Yeli
0.00% (0/0)
[VEL] Dains/Velk
0.00% (0/0)
94.00% (66/70)
... 43 entries found
No notes available.



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